Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3-Year Plan
This is a sample plan of study that shows all degree requirements and when they should be completed. There may be some flexibility on the sequencing of coursework, and you will work with an advisor each semester to make final selections. Full academic progress must be maintained each semester to complete the degree in three years.
Summer Session Prior to Year 1 |
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
EXSS 112 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab | 4 |
EXSS 113 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab | 4 |
CHEM 108 | Elementary Chemistry with Lab | 4 |
Total |
12 |
Year 1 Fall | Year 1 Spring | ||||
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
NURS 165 | Survey of Professional Nursing | 3 | NURS 170 | Therapeutic Relationship | 3 |
NURS 261 | Fundamentals of Professional Nursing I with Lab (8 weeks) |
3 | NURS 271 | Healthy Families Across the Lifespan | 3 |
NURS 262 | Fundamentals of Professional Nursing II with Lab (8 weeks) |
3 | NURS 272 | Clinical Component of Healthy Families | 3 |
NURS 264 | Physical Assessment with Lab | 3 | HS 205 | Pharmacology | 3 |
BIOL 110 | Clinical Microbiology with Lab | 3 | NUTR 304 | Nutrition in Health and Life Transitions (Outcome 10) | 3 |
Total | 15 | Total | 15 |
Year 2 Summer Session | ||
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
Outcome 6 | Foreign Language 111 | 3 |
FYS 112* | First Year Seminar | 3 |
Outcome 6 | Foreign Language 112 | 3 |
Outcome 7 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 |
Total | 12 |
Year 2 Fall | Year 2 Spring | ||||
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
NURS 361 | Medical Surgical Nursing I | 3 | NURS 371 | Medical Surgical Nursing II | 3 |
NURS 362 | Clinical Component of Adult and Pediatric Med Surg Nursing I | 2 | NURS 372 | Medical Surgical Nursing III | 3 |
NURS 363 | Mental Health Nursing | 3 | NURS 374 | Clinical Component of Adult and Pediatric Med Surgical Nursing II & III | 4 |
NURS 364 | Clinical Component of Adult and Pediatric Med Surg Nursing II | 2 | NURS 385 | Research and Evidence-based Practice in Nursing | 3 |
NURS 369 | Strategies for Successful Professional Nursing Practice I | 1 | PSYCH 121 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
HSA 467 | Statistics Appraisal/Evaluations | 3 | |||
Total | 14 | Total | 16 |
Year 3 Summer Session | ||
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
Outcome 4 | Fundamental Beliefs about Human Identity | 3 |
Outcome 5 | Human Aesthetic Creation | 3 |
SOC 105 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Total | 9 |
Year 3 Fall | Year 3 Spring | ||||
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
Course Number/Type |
Course |
Credit Hours |
NURS 463 | Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing | 3 | NURS 477 | Complex Medical Surgical Nursing | 3 |
NURS 467 | Global Health Nursing | 3 | NURS 478 | Clinical Management of Complex Clients | 4 |
NURS 468 | Clinical Component of Global Health Nursing | 4 | NURS 484 | Professional Nursing Senior Seminar | 3 |
Outcome 2 | Imaginative Expressions | 3 | NURS 469 | Strategies for Successful Professional Nursing Practice II | 2 |
Outcome 3 | Historical Context | 3 | |||
Total | 16 | Total | 12 |
- A student must have passed EXSS 112, EXSS 113, and CHEM 108 (or their equivalents) with a grade of “C” or better to begin 200-level Nursing courses in the fall semester. These courses may be taken in the summer semester before beginning as a full-time student.
- This plan requires students to take prerequisite courses in the summer before a fall semester start. Students must also take a full load of courses during the following three summers.
- Completion of this plan will depend upon the availability of general education courses and the First Year Seminar (FYS) during the summer. Please confirm availability with your advisor in advance.
- There can be multiple variations to this plan based on a student’s incoming credits.
- Students must meet Direct Entry qualifications to be eligible for this fast-paced degree program. Direct Entry requirements are as follows:
- ACT score of 22 or above or an SAT score of 1100 or above.
- Minimum four years English and three years mathematics.
- Minimum three years science, including grades of C or above in two semesters of chemistry.
- Other variations to the plan:
- Harlaxton in Summer Year 3
- Harlaxton College in Fall Year 3 ( Please note: this will require 1.5 additional credit hours in Spring Year 3, which is consistent with the standard Nursing program curriculum.)
* Assumes FYS 111 requirement has been met. Consult your academic advisor to ensure you will meet this requirement.