
As we prepared for the visit, the university completed a comprehensive Assurance Argument outlining how the University meets the HLC’s accreditation criteria. Because UE was on the Open Pathway, we also completed a Quality Initiative: Developing Responsible Global Citizens.

All indications are that the HLC team had a productive and positive visit. In several weeks, we will receive a draft report for our review, followed by consideration of the team’s report by the HLC Institutional Actions Committee. It is likely that we won’t receive the final report for several months, but the on-campus HLC Steering Committee will keep the campus community apprised with any updates.

The University of Evansville has held continuous regional accreditation since 1931, first as Evansville College. UE’s accreditation was reaffirmed by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) in 2005-06. Additional information about regional accreditation can be found in the Regional Accreditation FAQ.

This website contains information about accreditation and UE’s Assurance Argument. Updates will be posted regularly about our progress and what we learn. Input and participation from faculty, staff, students, and community members is welcome.