Access Services: Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Reserves
- Department Contacts
- Borrowing Privileges
- Renewals
- Restrictions
- Charges for Unreturned Material
- Interlibrary Loan
- Document Delivery Service – use Quill
- Reserves
- Study Rooms
- Placing a Hold on Available Material
- Fax Service
- Printing, Scanning & Copying
- This Book is Lost!
Borrowing Privileges
Various library materials may be borrowed. A barcode attached to the University ID enables materials to be charged to the patron record. Once the barcode has been attached to the patron record the charging process is possible without the University ID in hand.
- UE Students
Books, bound periodicals and CDs are loaned for 6 weeks (max loan = 12 weeks) with no restriction on the number of items borrowed. Videos and DVDs may be borrowed for 3 weeks. Remote access to UEL databases is permitted. - UE Faculty, Staff and Administrators
Books, bound periodicals and CDs are loaned for 16 weeks (max loan = 1 year) with no restrictions placed on the number of items borrowed. Videos and DVDs may be borrowed for 3 weeks. Remote access to UEL databases is permitted. - UE Alumni
Alumni are eligible for a complimentary UE library card. A photo ID with current address is required. Alumni may borrow five (5) items at a time. Books and bound periodicals are loaned for 3 weeks (max loan = 6 weeks). Videos, DVDs and CDs are loaned for 1 week (no renewals). Remote access to UEL databases is not permitted. - ALI Members
Members of Academic Libraries of Indiana are eligible for a complimentary UE library card. The ALI Borrowers Card, a university ID, and photo ID with current address are required. Five (5) books may be borrowed at a time. Books are loaned for 3 weeks (max loan = 6 weeks). Videos, DVDs, CDs and bound periodicals are not eligible for loan. Remote access to UEL databases is not permitted. - Persons Not Affiliated With The University of Evansville
Members of the community may purchase a UE library card for $25.00. A photo ID with current address is required. The card enables the community member to borrow five (5) items at a time. Books and bound periodicals are loaned for 3 weeks (max loan = 6 weeks). Videos, DVDs, and CDs are loaned for 1 week (no renewals). Remote access to UEL databases is not permitted.
Individuals are responsible for all materials checked out in their name and for all fines and charges.
Most material can be renewed unless needed by another borrower, OVERDUE or the max loan has been reached. Renewals may be made:
- In person at the Information Desk
- By phone: 812-488-2482
Information on renewing interlibrary loans is here.
Borrowers are responsible for renewing or returning material on or before its due date. No fines are levied on overdue material; however, a restriction is placed on the patron record and no other material may be borrowed until the overdue material is returned or renewed.
There are no "grace periods" for overdue materials. Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy. Failing to receive an overdue notice does not absolve a borrower from responsibility should they be charged for long overdue material. Library users are responsible for maintaining accurate address information with the University and/or the library. For most loans, overdue notices are generated 1 day, 7 days, 14 days and 21 days after the loan's due date.
Charges for Unreturned Material
Material not returned within 28 days of the due date is considered long overdue and is given a status of "Lost." Patrons will be billed the cost to replace the item plus a $20 processing fee per item. Charges for lost material are transferred to the Business Office for collection.
Reserve materials are located at the Information Desk. Material placed on reserve may include library owned books, personal books, photocopies of articles, DVDs, CDs or many other formats. Faculty must complete a Reserve Request form for each course, indicating which loan period for the material: 2-hour, 24-hour, 3-day or 7-day.
Anyone eligible to borrow library materials may borrow reserve materials.
Study Rooms
The library has 16 group study rooms available on the 2nd and 4th floors. Two of the group study rooms on the 2nd floor include TVs and DVD players (204 and 206). Any of these rooms may be reserved daily for a maximum of two hours by UE students. Reservations can be made online at Study rooms close 30 minutes before the building closes.
Placing a Hold on Available Material
UEL card holders can place HOLDS on available items. Requests are made through QUEST and will be available for pickup at the Information Desk after 3:00 p.m. the next day.
Fax Service
The library provides access to a fax machine within the building. The exclusive purpose of the service is to send and receive faxes associated with the business and curricular mission of the University. Use of the equipment is restricted to current University students. The library can receive faxes on behalf of students if the documents are properly labeled and Access Services staff have been informed ( or 812-488-2482). Faxes sent to students will be held at the Information Desk. This service is available during regular business hours only (M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). The fax number is 812-488-6987.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Bower-Suhrheinrich Library and Clifford Memorial Library