Major and Minor Requirements
Major Requirements
Requirements - 120 hours
Enduring Foundations General Education - 41 hours
For additional departmental general education requirements, please consult the department.
Major - 36 hours (27 hours in major language above the 200 level, 6 hours in additional foreign language, and completion of the senior capstone FLC 401)
Spanish 211, 212, 15 hours at the 300 level (required gateway course for upper level courses (Spanish 312), 12 hours at the 400 level (Spanish 438 may be repeated with content change), FLC 420 may apply to the 400-level requirement.
Spanish majors must pass a literature course in the target language at the University of Evansville before taking FLC 401. Spanish majors must also take a linguistics class at UE before graduating.
All Spanish majors must complete FLC 401 including the senior portfolio. FLC 401 does not count toward the required 12 hours of 400 level Spanish courses, since it is taught in English.
Electives - 40 hours
At least six semester hours of course work must be taken in the target language in an approved study abroad program. It is highly recommended that the student complete more than the six-hour minimum.
All Spanish majors must complete the ACE Pathway offered by Career Services. Majors are encouraged to sign up for this pathway in their first semester as a major.
Minor Requirements
Spanish Minor - 18 hours
Foreign language and culture minors are required to take 18 hours at the 200-level and above in Spanish. Spanish minors take 211, 212, and 12 hours at the 300-400 level. SPA 312 is a prerequisite for all upper level Spanish courses. Spanish minors who take FLC 401 as their capstone course must present their senior thesis in the target language as part of FLC 401.
Office Phone
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Office Location
Room 350, Olmsted Administration Hall