Online Class Success

Structure and Shape Your Experience

Online classes will demand your attention and your time – perhaps in ways that you did not expect. Be proactive and be prepared to structure and shape your experience so that you are successful.

  • Have a regular study area/class meeting space.
    Mark out a place that's dedicated to doing your online class work – a place with room for all your class materials and technology – that will help you feel focused. If possible, avoid using this space for other tasks. Remember – you are not on summer or spring break!

  • Have regular times set aside each day.
    Just like setting aside a regular space, set aside regular times for your online class work. Having a consistent block of time devoted to each course will help you stay focused.

  • Limit interruptions and eliminate distractions.
    Try turning off your phone, disabling notifications, and logging out of your social media or email accounts while working on your online class.

Prioritize and Plan

Online classes can lack the feeling of immediacy of traditional classes. Plan to meet your deadlines!

  • Carefully review the upcoming dates and deadlines and stay organized.
    Be careful to stay on top of your assignments and their due dates – use a planner or calendar to help you. You may also want to create notifications or alerts to keep your pace.

  • Create a weekly plan for your time.
    Just as if you were physically present on campus – with classes to go to, meetings to attend, and errands to run, create a weekly plan for your time based on what needs to be done.

Communicate and Engage

The more you connect with your classmates and your instructor, the more successful you'll be.

  • Communicate with your professor and classmates.
    Make use of online discussion boards, group chats, group texts, or email to stay connected with your professor and others in your class. This will help hold you accountable. This is also a way to exercise applying your knowledge of the material.

  • Ask questions!
    As you work through your online course, do not hesitate to ask questions to your instructor! Be proactive if you are not understanding the material or if you feel you are falling behind.

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