Program Timeline

November 1, 2024
B/MD Application Deadline
November 12, 2024
Qualified applicants will be notified by email regarding an invitation for an interview.
November 23, 2024
Invited applicants required to attend UE Scholar Day on campus. This day will include a B/MD information session and student panel to prepare for the committee interview.
Early December
Invited applicants will interview virtually with the UE B/MD Advisory Committee.
January 10, 2025
Interviewed applicants will be notified of the UE B/MD Advisory Committee’s decision and recommendation regarding acceptance into the UE B/MD program.
March 2025
The Indiana University School of Medicine will notify applicants of approval of the UE B/MD Advisory Committee's recommendations and issue an "official" acceptance letter.
April 15, 2025
Deadline for accepted UE B/MD program applicants to make their deposit to UE or relinquish their UE B/MD program candidacy to an alternate.