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UE plans Digital Artists Exhibit for April 1-May 6

Posted: Monday, March 20, 2017

An exhibit of the work of digital painters Jenna Citrus, Jan Frick Thompson, and Heather Landry is set for April 1-May 6 in the University of Evansville’s Krannert Gallery. A reception will take place April 20 at 5:30 p.m. These events are free and open to the public.

Citrus, a graduate of University of Southern Indiana, has been awarded an Efroymson Bridge Year Fellowship. She has received several awards for her work including First Place in Photography at the Evansville Museum and Best of Show in the Brescia College Best of Graphic Design Show. Her work has been published in Brainchild Magazine of Kent State University, Fishhook of University of Southern Indiana, and Photographer’s Forum, Best of Photography.

Thompson earned her BFA in advertising from Texas Woman’s University. Her work has been included in the North Carolina Photographers Annual Exhibition, and se has received awards of recognition in the Fayetteville Arts Council Annual Juried Art Exhibitions and the Fayetteville Museum of Art Annual Competitions. Thompson has also shown her work in the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana exhibitions.

Landry is a professional graphic artist with a prolific body of independent work, including several ongoing comic series. Her work has appeared in many local solo and group shows.

For more information, contact 207-650-6073.