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UE Hosting Events in Honor of Disability Awareness Month

Posted: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

In recognition of Disability Awareness Month, the University of Evansville (UE) is proud to host a Disability Awareness event titled "Behind the Masks We Wear: Living & Leading with Vulnerability & Purpose." This event will take place on March 26 at 4:00 p.m. at Eykamp Hall in Ridgway University Center. The event is not open to the public, but students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend.

Counseling and Disability Services, along with the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI), are organizing the event featuring renowned speaker Joshua Rivedal, who will deliver an impactful address aimed at empowering college students to embrace vulnerability and purpose in their lives.

College life is often a journey filled with challenges and uncertainties, and it takes courage to navigate through education, career pursuits, and relationships. Rivedal's presentation will delve into the theme of authenticity, urging attendees to challenge societal norms, overcome fears, and strive towards personal growth.

Attendees of "Behind the Masks We Wear" will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights that will enable them to confront obstacles, pursue their aspirations, and evolve into their best selves. Through engaging with Rivedal's message, students will be encouraged to break free from societal expectations and embrace their unique identities.

UE is arranging further events, such as a panel discussion featuring students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds and identities sharing their experiences. Additionally, there's a speed networking event in partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation, where 20 employers will be present on campus. With only 20 registered students participating, this setup offers a less overwhelming and more structured environment compared to conventional career events. Participants will have the chance to engage with each employer, receive interview feedback, and expand their professional network.

"We anticipate these events to profoundly impact every member of our community, cultivating a nurturing atmosphere conducive to personal development and empowerment," expressed Debbie Brenton, Assistant Director of Disability Services. "We invite all college students to participate, as we dedicate this month and every day to seeking inspiration, introspection, and solidarity."

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