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Beavers receives 2017 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for Historical Astronomy

Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2016

The prize committee of the Historical Astronomy Division of the American Astronomical Society has awarded the 2017 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for Historical Astronomy to the editor and all authors of individual entries in the Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. Anthony Beavers, UE professor of philosophy and director of the Cognitive Science Modeling Lab,was one of the authors who received the prize. Beavers was the author of two short contributions, Anaximander of Melitus and Heraclitus of Ephesus.

This marks the second book award given to compilations that include works by Beavers. The other was Alan Turing: His Work and Impact, edited by S. Barry Cooper and Jan van Leeuwin, which won the 2013 R. R. Hawkins Award from the Association of American Publishers for Best Text in the Arts and Sciences. It also received the 2013 AAP PROSE Awards for Best Text in the Physical Sciences & Mathematics. Beavers' contribution to this latter volume is the prefatory article. Alan Turing: Mathematical Mechanist, that introduces Turing's 1947 Address to the London Mathematical Society.

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