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Abbey Barker


  • Graduation Year: 2011
  • Majors:
    • Elementary Education
  • Current Employer: Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation
  • Job Title: Teacher

Contact Methods Available

Abbey Barker

UE Experiences

My experiences at UE greatly helped me prepare for my career in the education field. I was placed in a different Evansville school every semester during my college experience, allowing me to work with children, practice the educational methods and strategies I was being taught, and network among the schools. I even had the opportunity to teach at a school in Jamaica during one of my summers at UE. During my time as an undergrad, and even since then, I have been strongly supported by my UE professors. They were always available to answer any questions, provide feedback, and give advice. I still call some of them with questions. The UE education program is very highly respected in EVSC, and I was hired for my job, in large part, because of the recommendation I received from my UE professors. Since being hired, I have hosted multiple UE student teachers and continue to work closely with the UE education department.

Study Abroad Experiences

I studied abroad at Harlaxton during the spring of my sophomore year. It was by far the best thing I have ever done. I made new friends, traveled to new places, and had countless unforgettable experiences. I would go back and do it all over again in a heartbeat.

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