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  • Graduation Year: 2011
  • Majors:
  • Current Employer: The LitCon Group, LLC
  • Job Title: Consultant

Contact Methods Available

Ryan Witters

Post-Graduate Education

  • Currently attending the University of Maryland for a master in civil and environmental engineering.

UE Experiences

I benefited as a person and a professional from the intimate class size at UE. The opportunity to work in such close quarters with my professors prepared me well for life after school. The small class size meant more responsibility for more people on projects, both in class and extra-curricular. It helped to establish an efficient work method that has defined my career. ,I did not have the traditional "Study Abroad" experience that most students experience at UE. In the engineering school, the curriculum is extremely rigid, but the department has managed to create a window of time (Fall of sophomore year) to attend Harlaxton. I ran cross country and was unable to capitalize on this window, so when a summer research opportunity was presented, I took it. I traveled to Harlaxton with one professor and two other students and we surveyed roughly 11 acres of the manor gardens. It was an incredible experience, one that I hope will be offered to future students. It gave me the opportunity to travel Europe for a month and really experience the history behind that part of the world.

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