TruTalent Personality
The University of Evansville Center for Career Development is happy to provide the new on-line assessment tool, TruTalent Personality Career Interest Assessment, designed to help you discover your potential.
Should I become an entrepreneur? Would I like working in an office or would I enjoy traveling throughout the world? Would I be happier at a non-profit or in a corporate setting? Are there particular majors or minors best suited to my possible career directions?
If you are struggling with some of the above-mentioned questions, the TruTalent Personality Interest Assessment may help you explore your options, make informed decisions and encourage the pursuit of the career of your dreams.
Upon completion of the assessment tool we will work with you to plan your next steps, which may include connecting with alumni or business professionals, participating in Experiential Education (internships/co-ops), attending a resume workshop, examining your campus involvement, and/or talking to faculty and staff about potential majors, minors, and study abroad options. Knowledge of self represents a major-building block in determining your major choices and career options.
The choice of a college major and minor(s) are just a part of the process of choosing a career direction. It has been proven time and again that a college major is not a determiner, or limiter of career choice. You decide how to apply and what to do with your major, your major does not decide what to do with you!
Employers and graduate schools want students to have a personal understanding and mastery of four distinct processes:
- Developing a strong academic connection as demonstrated through classes, research, projects, technical/computer skills, internships, co-ops, and study abroad
- Demonstrating a clear pattern of campus involvement, accomplishments and leadership
- History of basic employment which documents critical skill building; employment in retail environments is favorably considered
- Recognizing and promoting self-identified, professional-related skills and attributes
It is through the process of evaluation and documentation of your skills (a resume) that you will begin to see a pattern to your activities and your active engagement the Evansville Experience will be an important step in your career decision making.
If you are interested in completing the TruTalent Personality Interest Assessment on-line please contact the Center for Career Development office at 488-1083 or Email Us. You will then receive an email from our office with a link for the online assessment.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 234, Ridgway University Center