Program Details
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science requires at least 122 hours of course work distributed as follows:
General Education (41 Hours Minimum)
- First-Year Seminar 112 (3 hours)
- Fine Arts (3 hours)
- Humanities (9 hours)
- Social Science (6 hours)
- Health and Wellness (1 hour)
- Mathematics 105 (3 hours)
- Scientific Literacy (7 hours)
- Computer Science 495 (3 hours)
- Foreign Language (6 hours or proficiency)
In addition, the University proficiency requirements for writing in English must be met (see University degree requirements).
To read more about the University General Education requirements, view the Academic Catalog.
Basic Level Required Courses (12 hours)
- Computer Science 101, 210, 215, 220
Concentration Track Requirements (27 hours)
- Classic Computer Science
- Mathematics 221, 222, 323
- Engineering 390 -OR- Mathematics 365 -OR- Mathematics 341
- 12 Hours Technical Electives from Computer Science350, 355, 375, 376, 391, 413, 415, 430, 440, 455, 472, 473, 475, 478, 491, 499; Electrical Engineering 354, 454, 456; Logistics and Supply Chain Management 315
- Applied Computer Science
- Mathematics 134
- Quantitative Management 227
- Computer Science 440, 475
- 15 Hours Technical electives from Computer Science350, 355, 375, 376, 391, 413, 415, 430, 455, 472, 473, 478, 491, 499; Electrical Engineering 354, 454, 456; Logistics and Supply Chain Management 315
Electives (18 hours)
May elect one of Business Certificates or other electives.
- Certificate Option 1: Business Essentials Certificate (12 hours)
- Economics 102; Accounting 210; Management 377; Marketing 325
- Certificate Option 2: Logistics Essentials Certificate (12 hours)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management 315, plus two additional 300/400 level LSCM courses
- Six to eighteen hours of Free Electives
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Office Location
Room 250, Koch Center for Science and Engineering