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UE math students and professor have paper accepted for publication

Posted: Monday, April 2, 2018

University of Evansville math students Keenen Cates, Zeyu Zhang, and Calvin Dailey and Pengcheng Xiao, UE assistant professor of mathematics, have had a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Data Science.

This study is an extension work based on math senior seminar project under the supervision of Xiao.

The paper is titled" Can Emoticons be used to predict sentiment? "

Getting a machine to understand the meaning of language is a largely important goal to a wide variety of fields, from advertising to entertainment. This work focuses on YouTube comments from the top two hundred trending videos as a source of user text data. Previous Sentiment Analysis Models focus on using hand-labelled data or predetermined lexicons. The goal is to train a model to label comment sentiment with emoticons by training on other user-generated comments containing emoticons. Naive Bayes and Recurrent Neural Network models are both investigated and implemented in this study, and the validation accuracies for Naive Bayes model and Recurrent Neural Network model are found to be .548 and .812.

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