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Editorial Article on Building Essential CPA Skills with a Modified Monopoly Game in Rania Mousa's Accounting class

Posted: Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Associate Professor of Accounting Rania Mousa has been featured on an editorial article titled, "Build Essential CPA Skills with a Modified Monopoly Game." The article has been posted on Course Hero website as part of the Faculty Club's Best Lessons initiative.

Course Hero is an online learning platform where over 30 million course-specific study resources are contributed by a community of students and educators. Last July, Mousa was invited by the organizers of Course Hero Summit in San Francisco to deliver an academic presentation on her research paper that has empirically tested the alignment of the game's self-reported learning outcomes with the AICPA Core Competency Framework over the course of five years. The research paper has been published in Accounting Research Journal.

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