Connect with UE Alumni
Jennifer Dyson
- Graduation Year: 2010
- Majors:
- Current Employer: Social Life Marketing LLC
- Job Title: Vice President
Contact Methods Available
UE Experiences
While at UE I served as a student intern in the Sports Information Department. As a student-athlete myself, I was able to use my graphic design and public relations training in correlation with my passion for Division I NCAA athletics to hone my skills and build my portfolio. After graduation, I was able to obtain the post-graduate internship in Sports Information, which I spent a year doing before it eventually turned into a full-time position as the in-house graphics specialist for the entire Department of Athletics. Under this role, I designed all printed pieces, helped develop the athletics department website and launched various social media campaigns to revamp the athletics department digital presence. My experience and skills that I acquired through my major and these various positions at UE helped me land the job and eventual title of vice president at my current company, Social Life Marketing.
Office Phone
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Office Location
Room 234, Ridgway University Center