Interviewing Tips

Successfully Interviewing for any kind of a professional position requires extensive preparation. Creating a plan of action will help you manage the many elements of the interview process. An interview can be broken down into several key components such as company research, scrutinizing a position description, anticipating questions and preparing effective answers, preparing questions to ask, and understanding the culture of the company/unit. The following is short guide to keeping your perspective and focusing on the little things that could make a big difference during your interview.

Do's and Don'ts

Examples of Do's an Don'ts

Dress appropriately for the job; be clean, neat, well groomed; sit up straight; establish eye contact.

Wear too much jewelry; wear too much perfume; slump; look around the room or out the window.


Arrive early; relax; be enthusiastic; be respectful and courteous; speak clearly; answer questions directly; be honest and sincere; be consistent; turn off all electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, pdas, etc.)

Keep them waiting; act nervous; fidget; act bored or tired; call her by her first name; mutter, say "umm" or "ahh"; try to hide anything; exaggerate; lie or brag; smoke or chew gum; do not ever answer your cell phone during an interview.


Demonstrate self-confidence; have a positive attitude; know your strengths and weaknesses; market yourself; expect a professional interview.

Be cocky, rude or joke around too much; expect failure; be intimidated by the competition; be overly modest or shy; take any questions lightly.

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