Course Offerings
- CJ-201 Professional Development in Criminal Jus (1 credit)
- This course is a professional orientation for criminal justice majors and provides an overview of various internship opportunities, career pathways, and graduate school options available in the discipline. In addition, the course serves as an introduction to academic writing, ethics, and research in criminal justice. (1 credit) No prerequisites; cannot earn credit for SOC 201, PSYC 201, and CJ 201.
- CJ-205 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits)
- Views crime and crime control in historical and societal context. Explores the extent of crime and its impact on modern society. Explores causes of crime and the development and operation of the criminal justice system with emphasis upon constitutional restraints. Explores the police, court, and correctional system.
- CJ-210 Deviance and Crime (3 credits)
- Examines deviance through a number of sociological and other perspectives.
- CJ-301 Special Topics - Criminal Justice (3 credits)
- Topics chosen on the basis of programmatic need or student interest. Prerequisite: CJ 205 or 210.
- CJ-342 Criminal Law (3 credits)
- Studies both substantive and procedural law including specific topics in each. Prerequisite: CJ 205 or LS 125.
- CJ-354 Introduction to Forensic Science (3 credits)
- Studies the organization and functions of investigative agencies, basic considerations in the investigation of crime, collection and preservation of physical evidence, and the apprehension process. Prerequisite: CJ 205 or permission of instructor.
- CJ-360 The Correctional System (3 credits)
- Explores the entire correctional process: history and development, probation and parole, institutional corrections, and community based corrections. Prerequisites: CJ 205; SOC 105, 210; or permission of instructor.
- CJ-370 The Police (3 credits)
- Survey of the organization and functions of police agencies, focusing on law enforcement, peacekeeping, and public service responsibilities. Prerequisites: CJ 205; SOC 105, 210; or permission of instructor.
- CJ-380 Courts and Justice (3 credits)
- Introduction to the American court system. The role of the criminal courts emphasized. Prerequisites: CJ 205; LS 125; or permission of instructor.
- CJ-410 Juvenile Delinquency (3 credits)
- Studies the nature, extent and causes of juvenile crime, at-risk behavior and child abuse. The juvenile justice system and methods of prevention, treatment and correction are analyzed. Prerequisites: CJ 205; SOC 105, 210; or permission of instructor.
- CJ-420 International Crime and Justice (3 credits)
- Focuses on international criminals and a cross-cultural examination of criminal justice systems. Also deals with the relationship between international crime and crime in the United States. Prerequisites: CJ 205; SOC 105, 210; or permission of instructor.
- CJ-440 Criminal Justice Ethics (3 credits)
- This course provides an overview and exploration of the study of ethics as they relate to the criminal justice system. The course begins with a broader approach and examination of general ethics and morality and then applies ethical frameworks to issues of crime and justice. Specific attention is paid to issues surrounding law enforcement, the law and courts, and corrections issues - especially issues surrounding the punishment of criminals. Prerequisites: CJ 205 or CJ 210/SOC 210; or permission of instructor.
- CJ-450 Adv Criminal Justice Seminar (3 credits)
- Students complete an original research paper that uses data gathering and interpretive skills. Course content includes the general topics of social organization, social change, and social stratification as they relate to the world cultures courses. Prerequisites: SOC 343, 344 and criminal justice or sociology major.
- CJ-496 Internship (1-6 credits)
- Internships available to majors of junior or senior standing who have completed core courses. GPA requirements must be met and student must file an internship application with advisor. Prerequisites: Criminal justice major; junior or senior standing.
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Room 57, Schroeder School of Business Building