Pi Gamma Mu

International Honor Society in Social Sciences
Program Chair Rachel Lawrence, President Kevin Connor, Vice President Janel Jett, and SGA Representative Becca Reeves
The mission of Pi Gamma Mu is to encourage and promote excellence in the social sciences and to uphold the ideals of scholarship and service. Pi Gamma Mu is the oldest honor society in the social sciences, founded in 1924. Members of this prestigious, international, and multidisciplinary honor society include Presidents and Prime Ministers, Senators and Representatives, Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize winners, explorers, CEOs, and ambassadors.
ΠΓΜ - Indiana Alpha Chapter
Founded in 1929, the Indiana Alpha Chapter at the University of Evansville was reactivated in Spring 2011 after a nearly 40-year hiatus. As the very first chapter of Pi Gamma Mu in the state of Indiana, we have deep roots in setting the path for excellence in the social sciences. This is a new and exciting time for our Chapter as we revive its legacy!
Philanthropy and Service Work
The members of Pi Gamma Mu are proud to serve our community and uphold the values of our honor society by performing a yearly philanthropy activity. Our current service involves collecting new and used shoes for Soles4Souls, a Nashville-based charity that collects shoes for distribution to people in need all over the world.
This year, our goal was to collect 100 pairs of shoes for those in need; however, we collected 255 pairs! Thank you to the UE community for helping us exceed our goal!
Senior Send-Off
Each semester, we give our graduating seniors a send-off to remember! In addition to a pizza party, we gift our graduates with their honor cords to wear proudly at graduation.

Office Phone
Office Location
Room 50, Schroeder School of Business Building