
Call for Undergraduate Research Proposals

Students who meet the eligibility criteria may write a proposal for a semester or summer research experience.

  • The deadline for undergraduate student-generated proposals for the Fall Semester is TBA. Students must submit a digital copy (Word or PDF format) and ten (10) paper copies to the Office of Academic Affairs.

    Participating students must meet one of the published eligibility requirements: (1) good standing in the Honors Program, (2) GPA of 3.5 or greater, (3) academic scholarship winner, or (4) written recommendation from the department chair or dean based on a consensus of the academic department or school. The maximum dollar amount that will be funded for semester proposals is $1000 for literature searches, equipment, supplies, and services. The faculty sponsor may request a $750 honorarium for each proposal that is funded and published.All honoraria must be requested before May 15, 2025. More information is available on the UExplore Undergraduate Research grants in the on-line UE Faculty and Administrator Manual.

  • The deadline for undergraduate student-generated proposals for the Spring Semester is TBA. Students must submit a digital copy (Word or PDF format) and ten (10) paper copies to the Office of Academic Affairs.

  • Students or faculty may generate summer proposals. Students may request stipends ($3500 /10 weeks) and faculty receive a stipend up to $7500 for two months. Students may request free residence housing (double occupancy on-campus dorm housing) during the 10-week period that the on-campus research is performed. Grants up to $2000 for literature searches, equipment, supplies, and services may be requested.

    A letter of intent (PDF format) for a summer research project proposal must be provided to Douglas Stamps by Friday, January 24, 2025. The summer proposal (PDF format) must be provided to Douglas Stamps by Monday, February 17, 2025. Note that these dates supersede any deadlines that may be published in other publications.

  • Any student who is doing undergraduate research may request funding for travel whether or not the research is a project funded by the Committee. To request travel funds, the student should complete the Travel Request form at least one month prior to the date of the conference.

If you have any questions, please contact Douglas Stamps at or call at 812-488-2186.