Student Profiles for the Class of 2029

Clinical Psychology class of 2029.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Madeline Bates
I am excited to start my journey towards being a Clinical Psychologist!

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Merris Egloff
I feel at home at UE, and I feel so honored to be a part of this program. The faculty is committed to your success as a student.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Alexandria Etienne
UE has a very welcoming campus, one in which you will thrive.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Hope Gafford
I would recommend UE over and over again because it just feels like home!

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
David Gomes
Live not so you will be remembered by everyone, but that everyone will have a life to remember.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Stacy Straeffer Harding
Design the world you want to live in!

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Brett Makovic
If you dream about doing something and it is good, do it.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Benjamin Mathis
UE’s PsyD program offers a close-knit community and strong clinical training that aligns well with my goals

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Sheldon McNary
I appreciate the opportunity that UE has given me to gain the knowledge and skills to help as many people as possible that I can.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Erika Stogsdill
The PsyD faculty at UE has provided a great opportunity for me to pursue my ambitions.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Dominique Thomas
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style!” -Maya Angelou

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
Kate Thomas
Psychology has been my passion for many years, and I am grateful to attend UE as the next step towards my future.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology
McKenna Vereeke
Stay true to yourself. There is no audience to perform for, there is just you.
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Office Location
Room 62, Schroeder Family Bldg.