Course Offerings
- ENGR-101 Introduction to Engineering (3 credits)
- A hands-on introduction to civil, computer, electrical, and/or mechanical engineering. Topics include the use of the computer in engineering and an introduction to the design process. Student teams led by faculty (typically the students' academic advisor) complete design projects in a particular discipline. Prerequisite: Completion of all required English language courses or permission of instructor. Fall.
- ENGR-212 Statics (3 credits)
- Includes resolution and composition of forces and moments using vector analysis, principles and application of equilibrium to trusses, beams, frames and machines, centroid calculations, second moments of areas, internal load determination, shear and moment diagrams, and friction. Prerequisite: MATH-221, with a C- or better or permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
- ENGR-213 Dynamics (3 credits)
- Covers rectilinear and curvilinear motions, force, mass, acceleration, projectiles, pendulums, inertia forces in machines, work and energy, impulse and momentum, and impact. Prerequisite: Engineering 212 with a grade of C- or better. Fall, spring.
- ENGR-230 Materials Science (3 credits)
- Introduces properties of materials, discusses bonding, nature of metals, polymers, ceramics, crystals and crystal defects, and structure sensitive and insensitive properties. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118 or permission of instructor. Spring.
- ENGR-232 Mechanics of Materials (3 credits)
- Covers general principles of stress and strain, including elastic and inelastic behavior stress and strain transformation, stress calculations for direct shear and torsion; analysis of beam behavior, including flexural stresses and deflections, combined stresses, applications involving statically indeterminate systems, and buckling of compression members. Prerequisite: ENGR-212 with a grade of C- or better. Fall, Spring.
- ENGR-366 Fluid Mechanics (3 credits)
- Introduces the physical properties of fluids and the mechanics of fluid flow. Covers general properties of fluids, fluid statics and dynamics, and dimensional analysis. Applications studied include pipe systems, aerodynamic drag, open channel flow, and compressible flow. Prerequisite: ENGR-212 with a grade of C- or better. Fall, Spring.
- ENGR-390 Applied Engineering Mathematics (3 credits)
- Develops understanding of practical mathematical analysis with applications in various engineering disciplines. Probability and statistical analysis. Practical numerical analysis. Linear algebra and matrices. Applications in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Prerequisite: Mathematics 222. Fall, spring, summer.
- ENGR-409 Engineering Economy and Decision Making (3 credits)
- Introduction to engineering economy including cash-flow, time value of money, equivalence, annuities, present and future worth, rate of return, break-even analysis, replacement analysis, and benefit cost analysis. Includes industrial cost measurement techniques, risk analysis, and project scheduling and management techniques. Case studies and guests from industry offer realistic perspective.
- ME-101 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (3 credits)
- A hands-on introduction to mechanical engineering. Topics include the use of the computer in engineering, 3D modeling, applied physics, proposal preparation, teaming, and an introduction to mechanical engineering design process of design, build, & test. Student teams complete a design project. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering majors only. Credit not given for both ME 101 and ME 102. Fall.
- ME-102 Intro to Mechanical Engineering for Intl (3 credits)
- A hands-on introduction to mechanical engineering. Topics include the use of the computer in engineering, 3D modeling, applied physics, proposal preparation, teaming, and an introduction to mechanical engineering design process of design, build, & test. Student teams complete a design project. Specific attention is given to proper use of the English language in engineering education and practice. Enrollment limited to students for whom English is a second language. Admission to Mechanical Engineering Lower Division. Credit not given for both ME 101 and ME 102. Offered as needed.
- ME-197 Integrated Design I (2 credits)
- Introduces engineering design as a disciplined, creative, problem-solving process using requirements analysis, functional decomposition, system architecture, and test plans. Students work on team-based project. Students learn basic sketching and machine shop a team environment. Prerequisite: ME 101 or 102 with a grade of C- or better or permission of the instructor. Co-Requisite ME-197L. May be repeated. Spring.
- ME-197L Integrated Design I Lab (0 credits)
- Introduces engineering design as a disciplined, creative, problem-solving process using requirements analysis, functional decomposition, system architecture, and test plans. Students work on team-based project. Students learn basic sketching and machine shop techniques. Prerequisite: ME-101, ME-102 with a grade of C- or better or permission of of the instructor. May be repeated. Spring.
- ME-297 Integrated Design II (2 credits)
- Introduces computer aided manufacturing. Students are provided the opportunity to work on a large scale project in a team environment. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 197 with a grade of C- or permission of instructor. May be repeated. Spring.
- ME-318 Manufacturing Methods (3 credits)
- Considers manufacturing processes for metals and non-metals. Included are casting, forming, machining, welding, and techniques for manufactured plastics. Includes tours of manufacturing facilities. Corequisites: Engineering 230, 232. Spring.
- ME-330 Materials Lab (2 credits)
- An integrated series of experiments on the physical and mechanical behavior of materials including the effects of various types of loads, time, temperature and environment. Materials studied include ferrous, plastics and other nonferrous materials. Prerequisite: ENGR 232 with a grade of C- or better. Or Permission of Instructor Fall.
- ME-342 Machine Analysis (3 credits)
- Graphical, analytical and computer-aided methods of analyzing displacement,velocity, acceleration and dynamic forces and couples found in mechanisms. Synthesis/design of simple mechanisms. Prerequisite: ENGR 232 with a grade of C- or better. Fall.
- ME-344 Design of Machine Elements (3 credits)
- Theories of failure. Design using factor of safety and reliability. Steady and variable loading, straight and curved sections. Design of gears, shafts and bearings. Prerequisite: ENGR 232 with a C- or better. Spring.
- ME-345 Computer Aided Mechanical Design (3 credits)
- Design of fasteners, springs, brakes, clutches, chains and belts. Computer optimization. Principles of concurrent engineering. Parametric modeling software for analysis and design. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 344.
- ME-360 Thermo/Fluid Dynamics Lab (2 credits)
- Fundamental principles and experiments in thermal and fluid systems. Flow measurement, calorimetry, psychrometrics and engine performance. Experimental projects in thermo/fluids engineering. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 362. Corequisite: Engineering 366. Spring.
- ME-362 Thermodynamics (4 credits)
- An introduction to thermodynamic principles and the fundamentals of energy analysis. Properties of pure substances. First and second laws of thermodynamics. Availability and irreversibility. Gas mixtures and psychometrics. Simple gas and vapor cycles. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118. Fall.
- ME-368 Heat Transfer (3 credits)
- One- and two-dimensional steady and transient conduction in isotropic solids. Numerical methods in conduction. Forced and free convection in single phase fluids. Thermal radiation and radiation heat transfer. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 362. Corequisite: Engineering 366. Fall.
- ME-397 Integrated Design III (3 credits)
- Includes the statistical analysis of experimental data, error analysis and uncertainty analysis. Basic electrical and mechanical sensing devices will be covered as part of the complete data acquisition and processing system. Included is measurement of displacement, velocity, acceleration, pressure, flow, temperature, force, torque, strain vibration and other physical phenomena. Prerequisites: ME 297 with a grade of C- or better. Corequisites: EE 215 and ENGR 366 or permission of instructor. Spring.
- ME-414 Vehicle Dynamics (3 credits)
- Introduction to different aspects of vehicle design and performance. Topics analyzed include tires, steering, vehicle performance based on power-limited assumptions and traction-limited assumptions, braking, and steady-state cornering. Includes discussion of design considerations for vehicle development. Pre-requisites: ENGR 213 Dynamic with a grade of C- or better, ENGR 352 Numerical Methods for Engineers, or permission of instructor
- ME-424 Engineering Biomechanics (3 credits)
- This course is designed to give students the abilities to quantitatively analyze kinematics and kinetics of human movement and to evaluate data collection instrumentation options. Students will develop three-dimensional models of human body segments for purposes of evaluating human motion with respect to specific applications. Students will develop programs of their own to compute human kinetic and kinematic parameters from biomechanical data sets. Prerequisites: ENGR-213, BIOL-112, and MATH-323.
- ME-428 Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering (3 credits)
- An advanced course in biomedical engineering topics. Example topics include mechanics of biomaterials, dynamics of blood flow, cardiovascular physiology, orthopedics, and variable current topics based on student interest. Prerequisites: ENGR-366 and ENGR-232.
- ME-432 Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3 credits)
- Relations between loads, deformations, stresses and strains; curved beams; beams on elastic supports; thick-walled cylinders; unsymmetrical bending; failure theories; energy methods for statically indeterminate members. Prerequisite: Engineering 232.
- ME-434 Fracture Mechanics (3 credits)
- Elements of linear elastic fracture mechanics theory and solutions, principal modes of fracture in plates, plane strain/plane stress fracture toughness, different types of fracture criteria: stress intensity factor, crack driving force (Griffith criterion), J integral, crack tip opening displacement. Subcritical crack growth phenomena: fatigue crack growth and modeling/environmentally assisted crack propation. Prerequisite: ENGR-232.
- ME-444 Computer Aided Mechanical Design (3 credits)
- Design of fasteners, springs, brakes, clutches, chains and belts. Computer optimization. Principles of concurrent engineering. Parametric modeling software for analysis and design. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 344.
- ME-446 Finite Elements (3 credits)
- Introduces the finite element method for the solution of problems encountered in stress analysis, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. Theoretical concepts are covered as well as the application of popular computer software packages. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 344; Engineering 366.
- ME-448 Mechanical Vibrations (3 credits)
- Kinematics of vibratory motion, study of single and multi-degree of freedom systems. Dynamic forces in vibrating systems. Computer applications in vibration analysis. Prerequisite:Mathematics 324; Engineering 213.
- ME-452 System Modeling & Control (3 credits)
- Mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic lumped parameter mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Response of first and second order systems. Introduction to feedback control of linear systems. Prerequisites: Engineering 213 with a grade of C- or better; Mathematics 324 with grade of C- or better; or Permission of Instructor.
- ME-453 Mechatronics (3 credits)
- Hands-on use of actuators and sensors in the design of electro-mechanical systems. Systems may include electric motors, shape memory alloys, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators, solenoids, position and proximity sensors. Students learn a synergistic design approach incorporating mechanics, electronics,computer programming and controls. Prerequisites:Mechanical Engineering 397, 452.
- ME-462 Advanced Thermodynamics (3 credits)
- Real gases and gas mixtures, thermodynamics of state relationships. Combustion and thermochemistry. Concepts of statistical thermodynamics. Prerequisite: ME 362.
- ME-463 Principles of Turbomachinery (3 credits)
- Turbomachine classification. Performance characteristics of centrifugal pumps and compressors and radial and axial flow turbines. Basic fluid and thermodynamic analysis of turbomachine flow processes. Rudiments of design. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 362, Engineering 366 or permission of instructor.
- ME-465 Internal Combustion Engines (3 credits)
- Theoretical and actual cycles, production of torque and combustion modeling. Mechanical design of engines, fuel injection and emission systems. Prerequisites: Mechanical engineering 342, 362
- ME-466 Intro to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3 credits)
- Development of the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar and turbulent flow. Methods for discretizing and solving the equations. Turbulent flow and turbulence modeling. Applications using commercial CFD software. Prerequisites: ENGR-366; MATH-324.
- ME-468 Advanced Heat Transfer (3 credits)
- Multidimensional heat conduction. Boiling and condensation heat transfer. Computer-assisted analysis of conduction, convection and radiation. Analysis and design of heat exchangers and other heat transfer systems. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 368; Mathematics 324.
- ME-470 Combustion (3 credits)
- Covers fundamental concepts of non-reactive ideal gas mixtures, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics and reactive gas dynamics (deflagrations and detonations). Prerequisite: ME 362.
- ME-472 Energy Systems (3 credits)
- Energy sources and energy conversion. Principles of heat pump systems, solar energy, wind power, fuel cells and introduction to nuclear engineering. Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 362, 368.
- ME-473 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (3 credits)
- Methods of controlling temperature and humidity in buildings. Calculation of heating and cooling loads. Mechanical systems for heating and air conditioning. Prerequisites: Engineering 366, Mechanical Engineering 362. Corequisite: Mechanical Engineering 368.
- ME-474 Environmental Engineering I (3 credits)
- Introduces environmental engineering topics, including water quality, water treatment processes, air quality, solid and hazardous waste disposal and ground water hydraulics. Includes a study of environmental laws that affect the design and operation of waste treatment, waste disposal and power generation facilities. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118 with lab. Spring.
- ME-476 Power Plant Engineering (3 credits)
- Modern central station power generating systems. Turbine cycles and performance. Fuels and combustion equipment. Steam generator design and performance. Rudiments of heat transfer equipment and turbomachinery design. Prerequisites: Engineering 366; Mechanical Engineering 362.
- ME-495 Professional Practice I (3 credits)
- Students develop a proposal for an engineering project, complete the engineering design, and begin fabrication. Students are introduced to professional skills, such as project and time management, teaming, and ethics. Prerequisites: ENGR-366; ME-344; or permission of instructor. Corequisite: ME-368 or permission of instructor. Fall.
- ME-497 Professional Practice II (3 credits)
- Complete the semester-long project proposed in Mechanical Engineering 495.All design aspects and testing documented in a formal written report and defended through an oral presentation of the results to peers, faculty and industrial customers. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 495. Co-Requisite: ME-497L
- ME-497L Professional Practice II Lab (0 credits)
- Complete the semester-long project proposed in Mechanical Engineering 495.All design aspects and testing documented in a formal written report and defended through an oral presentation of the results to peers, faculty and industrial customers. Prerequisite: Mechanical Engineering 495.Co-requisite ME-497.
- ME-498 Independent Study/Mechanical Engineering (1-3 credits)
- Independent study of a topic of interest to the student. Requires faculty sponsor and approved detailed study plan.
- ME-499 Special Topics/Mechanical Engineering (1-3 credits)
- Formal lecture/laboratory study of topics of special interest. Topics announced. Repeatable course. Content changes each time course is offered. Prerequisites announced when scheduled. MATH-324; ME-368.
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Office Location
Room 268, Koch Center for Engineering and Science