Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology

The interdisciplinary nature of the major provides the necessary preparation to attend graduate school or go directly into the workforce. In addition, students are able to pursue a double major and minor in other areas of study such as Anthropology, History, Languages and Cultures, Chemistry, and Business.
In addition to the University general education requirements Archaeology majors must take:
- Archaeology 105 (Greek) and Archaeology 106 (Roman)
- Archaeology 192
- Either Archaeology 206 (Near Eastern) or 207 (Egyptian)
- A minimum of three ARCH classes at the 300 level
- A minimum of two ARCH classes at the 400 level
- A minimum of one ancient history course (HIST 311 or 312 or ID325)
- Engineering 283 (Surveying)
- Archaeology 285 (Computers in Archaeology)
- One additional course dealing with interdisciplinary aspects of the ancient world or methodological approaches to the study of the field. Choose one from: Anthropology 200, 453, Art History 208, History 311, 312, 313, Interdisciplinary 250, 325, Philosophy 211.
Students contemplating graduate school are encouraged to study Greek, Latin or German as their foreign language but we do not require a specific one.
Archaeological fieldwork is strongly encouraged but not required.
Archaeology Courses
- ARCH-100 Great Discoveries in Archaeology (3 credits)
- This course provides an introduction to the discipline of archaeology, an overview of great archaeological discoveries worldwide, and a critical discussion of archaeological myths and hoaxes. It is intended for students in any major who are interested in learning more about the past and how it is presented to the public.
- ARCH-105 Introduction to Greek Archaeology (3 credits)
- Comprehensive overview of the material culture of the Greeks from the Bronze Age through the Hellenistic period, tracing the main developmental trends in architecture, city planning, sculpture, and the minor arts both in the Greek mainland and the Greek colonies overseas. Although primarily archaeological in orientation, necessary historical context is provided. Fall.
- ARCH-106 Introduction to Roman Archaeology (3 credits)
- Comprehensive survey of the material culture of the Romans examining architecture, city planning, art, and technology. Traces development of Roman civilization from the Republic to the Late Antique period. Spring.
- ARCH-192 Introductory Archaeology Seminar (3 credits)
- Seminar intended primarily for freshman or new archaeology majors. Emphasizes fundamental concepts relating to stratigraphy, relative and absolute chronologies, types of archaeological data, map/section reading, recording procedures, approaches to interpretation, and research skills.
- ARCH-206 Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology (3 credits)
- Study of Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Levant from the Neolithic period to the establishment of the Persian Empire.
- ARCH-207 Introduction to Egyptian Archaeology (3 credits)
- Overview of Egyptian civilization from the predynastic period to the New Kingdom through the exploration of funerary architecture, sculpture, wall painting, tomb furnishings, and other minor arts. The course examines archaeological evidence from a historical perspective, focusing on both the local history of Egypt and on its relationship with other Mediterranean civilizations.
- ARCH-285 Technical Skills for Archaeologists (3 credits)
- Introduces archaeology students to skills and techniques useful in recording and analyzing field data as well as developing 3-D models of the project site. Topics include technical sketching and utilizing computer-aided (CAD) techniques for development of accurate 2-D drawings as well as 3-D models. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
- ARCH-305 Archaeological Ceramics (3 credits)
- Examines the study of pottery in archaeology, including physical aspects of ceramic manufacture, development of typologies and relative chronologies for fabric, shape, and decoration, analysis and conservation of ceramic finds, as well as documentation of ceramic finds through profile drawing and cataloging. Uses Greek painted pottery from the Late Bronze Age through the start of the Classical period, Roman red wares, and local Woodland and Mississippian pottery as examples. Prerequisite: ARCH 105, ARCH 192 or ARTH 208; or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-306 Greek Architecture (3 credits)
- Traces the development of Greek architecture from the Late Bronze Age through the Hellenistic period. Studies the development of city planning, temples, secular buildings, and funerary monuments. Prerequisite: Archaeology 105 or Art History 208 or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-307 Roman Architecture (3 credits)
- Examines the development of Roman building from its roots in Greek and Etruscan architecture to the eclectic Roman architectural idiom of the Empire. Emphasizes the Roman integration of traditional building elements with their own increasing technical virtuosity as structural engineers. Prerequisite: Archaeology 106 or Art History 208 or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-308 Greek and Roman Sculpture (3 credits)
- Examines the development of sculpture within the Greco-Roman world. Topics covered include the evolution of naturalism in the Greek Archaic period, the high classical style of the 5th century BCE, the varied genres of the Hellenistic world, Roman Republican portraiture, and Roman historical reliefs. Prerequisite: Archaeology 105 or 106 or Art History 208 or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-309 The Etruscans (3 credits)
- A study of the origins of the Etruscans, who made their appearance in central Italy in the 7th century BCE, and their impact on other Mediterranean cultures. An attempt is made to reconstruct their culture as it can be understood from the architecture and artifacts preserved today. Prerequisite: Archaeology 105 or Art History 208 or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-311 Archaeology of Syro-Palestine (3 credits)
- Examines the archaeology of Syro-Palestine (modern Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian National Authority) from late prehistory through the Persian period (ca. 8000-332 BCE). Although archaeological data is the primary source of information, other sources, including the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and other texts, are employed where appropriate.
- ARCH-320 Topics in Archaeology (3 credits)
- Focuses on a topic not offered regularly, such as Aegean archaeology or northern European prehistory. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Archaeology 105 or 106 or Art History 208 or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-340 Field Techniques (3 credits)
- Introduces students to the process of field archaeology. Projects vary from year to year, but involve either excavation of a historical site in Evansville, or assisting with an excavation or survey conducted locally.
- ARCH-390 Internship in Archaeology (1-12 credits)
- Internships designed to meet the educational needs of students' professional goals are recommended for archaeology majors and may be arranged with a professional individual or institution. A maximum of 12 credit hours earned in ARCH 390 / 490 may count toward the degree. Prerequisites: permission of faculty advisor and faculty/museum liaison.
- ARCH-394 Non-UE Archaeology Field Practica (3-6 credits)
- This course is used to record archaeological field practica sponsored by institutions other than the University of Evansville.
- ARCH-395 Practicum in Archaeology (3-6 credits)
- This practicum in archaeology introduces students to both the practical and theoretical aspects of archaeology. Students participate in an excavation as well as in documentation and conservation of artifacts. The work is conducted under the supervision of a professional staff of archaeologists. Prerequisite: ARCH 105 or 106 or permission of instructor.
- ARCH-400 Archaeological Method and Theory (3 credits)
- Examination of the theoretical bases of the discipline of archaeology, the history of the discipline, and the major schools of interpretation. Also, research design, development of chronologies, and the application of scientific techniques to analysis of archaeological remains. Prerequisites: Archaeology 105 or 106; one 300-level archaeology course; or permission of instructor. Course fulfills capstone requirement.
- ARCH-415 Women in Antiquity (3 credits)
- Seminar focuses on women in antiquity. Reviews recent studies of archaeological investigations of women's social and cultural roles and focuses on selected case studies of women in the ancient Near East and eastern Mediterranean from late prehistory through Classical antiquity.
- ARCH-420 Northern European Prehistoric (3 credits)
- Examines the archaeology of northern Europe from the Neolithic period through the Roman period. Emphasis on the Celtic cultures of northern Europe.
- ARCH-492 Topical Seminars in Archaeology (3 credits)
- Special seminar topics in archaeology not included in the regular course offerings. May be repeated.
- ARCH-493 Independent Study in Archaeology (1-3 credits)
- Research in areas of archaeology on topics not sufficiently covered in existing courses. Subject and credit earned must be approved by the supervising faculty member and department chair. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours of credit. Prerequisites: Junior standing; consent of instructor.