Course Offerings
- HIST-111 World History to 1500 (3 credits)
- Examines major political, religious, and cultural developments in Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean basin, Europe, and the Americas from ca. 3000 BCE to 1500 CE. Through a combination of lectures, class discussion, and close reading of primary sources, course focuses on how geography, climate, social structures, and cultural values combine to shape political systems, religion, and gender relations in diverse societies.
- HIST-112 World History Since 1500 (3 credits)
- Guides students through the key forces shaping the modern world, and adopts a broad global approach to the period, paying appropriate attention to Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as well as to Europe and the Americas. Includes the struggle for democracy, the emergence of capitalism and socialism, the experience of imperialism and racism, and related developments in science, culture, and gender relations.
- HIST-141 American History to 1865 (3 credits)
- Surveys political, economic, social, and military developments in the United States from the time of exploration and the founding of the colonies to the end of the Civil War. Pays particular attention to slavery, the frontier, the rise of democracy, the roots of secession, and issues of class, ethnicity, and gender.
- HIST-142 American History Since 1865 (3 credits)
- Surveys political, social, economic, and cultural developments in the United States from the end of the Civil War to the present day. Special attention to the impact of industrialization, the crisis of the Great Depression, race relations, gender, and foreign policy.
- HIST-290 Approaches to History (3 credits)
- Examines the evolution of the field of history. Explores questions concerning the nature of the discipline and studies the principles of historical methodology. Focuses on questions of how historians gather and evaluate evidence and considers directions the discipline is currently taking. Intended for history freshmen and other beginning history majors.
- HIST-311 The Greeks and the East (3 credits)
- Examines the historical relationship between the Ancient Greeks and their contemporaries in the Near East. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 111 or 312 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-312 The Evolution of Rome (3 credits)
- Examines the history of Rome from the early republic to the end of the imperial era. Focuses on internal sources of stability and Rome's success in integrating the empire. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 111 or 311 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-313 Medieval Europe 410-1350 (3 credits)
- Introduces students to the history and culture of Western Europe and the Mediterranean between 410 and ca. 1350. Traces the collapse of the western Roman Empire in the mid 5th century, the evolution of civilizations of Byzantium, Islam and western Christendom, and the fusion of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements that create medieval Europe. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 111 or 312 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-314 Renaissance and Reformations: Europe 1350-1648 (3 credits)
- Examines underlying causes of new modes of artistic and intellectual expression, expansion into the New World, and the aggressive pursuit of scientific knowledge in Europe during this period. Also explores why the promise of the Renaissance and "liberty" of the Reformation co-existed with a Europe racked by vicious religious wars, peasant revolts, and the oppression of those identified as "other" (e.g., witches, heretics, homosexuals, Jews). Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 111 or 313 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-316 Europe in the 18th Century 1774-1850 (3 credits)
- Examines the economic, social, political and cultural history of Europe in the eighteenth century, with particular emphasis on economic and social changes in both town and country. Considers the role such changes played in the origins, course and continent-wide impact of the French Revolution. Prerequisite: History 112, History 314 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-317 Napolean to Bismarck: Europe 1800-1890 (3 credits)
- Explores the impact of the industrial revolution on urban and rural life in Europe, paying particular attention to changes in the distribution of wealth that occurred during this period and the political and cultural responses to those changes. Prerequisite: History 112 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-318 The First World War (3 credits)
- Examines the causes, course, and consequences of the First World War. Traces the roots of the war to the European power politics of the 1870s, and follows the consequences up to the rise of fascism. In studying the war itself, focuses on the experience of individuals involved, women and men, combatants and non-combatants. Includes extensive discussion of painting, poetry, sculpture, photography, and the novel. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 317 or 381 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-319 The Second World War (3 credits)
- Examines the origins, courses, and results of the Second World War, with focus on the experience of the individual caught up in one of the most horrific experiences of the 20th century. Studies the rise of Nazism and fascism throughout Europe as the key to understanding the origins of the war. Includes discussion of painting, poetry, sculpture, photography, and the novel. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 318 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-320 Women's Lives in the Pre-Modern World (3 credits)
- Studies the histories of women diverse societies prior to 1800 including parts of western Europe, Asia, the Americas, and the Middle East. Pays close attention to gender relations, the role of religion in determining the status and treatment of women, how the economic space (or its lack) for women shapes their experiences and how women are able to wield influence, power, or authority in public and private spheres. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, GWS 101 or permission of instructor. This course counts toward the Gender and Women's Studies Minor.
- HIST-321 Islam/West in Middle Ages Middle Ages (3 credits)
- Examines relationships between Islamic and Christian civilizations from the 7th through the 14th centuries from the perspectives of the Islamic Empires. Explores the evolution of Islamic religion, political, cultural, and scientific exchanges and their long-term impact on both societies. Pays special attention to the rise and collapse of various Muslim empires and how the Crusades created not only conflict, but opportunities for trade and intellectual exchanges as well. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or HIST 111 or 313 or permission of the instructor.
- HIST-322 French Revolution: Origins/Course/Impact (3 credits)
- Examines the economic, social, political, and cultural history of Europe in the 18th century, with particular emphasis on economic and social changes in both town and country. Considers the role such changes played in the origins, course, and continent-wide impact of the French Revolution. Prerequisite: History 112 or 314 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-323 The United States and the Middle East, 1919-PRESENT (3 credits)
- Examines the legacy of Wilson's policy for the Middle East and how it shaped United States decolonization policy following World War II. Considers the emergence of independent states, including Israel, and the conflicts between nations and non-state actors since 1945. Studies the United States' role in the Middle East and considers how this has helped shape the current state of affairs in the area. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
- HIST-324 The Emergence of Modern China & Japan Since 1600 (3 credits)
- Examines the distinct historical developments and modernization of both China and Japan as well as the intersection of their cultures, economies, and political institutions. Outlines the development and eventual decline of the Qing dynasty and the Tokugawa shogunate in the face of western imperialism. Traces the divergent paths taken by the two countries in their efforts to challenge Western domination, assert national independence, and establish regional strength. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
- HIST-340 Crime/Punishmnt/Law Early Amer 1607-1861 (3 credits)
- Introduces students to the legal history of early America from the colonial period until 1861. Analyzes crime and punishment, the unwritten law, intersections of the law and economics, and laws affecting marginalized peoples. Pays particular attention to court cases as indicators of larger legal trends. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 141 or 342 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-343 The Civil War & Reconstruction (3 credits)
- Studies the events leading to the Civil War. Examines the economic, political, social, and military aspects of the war and considers the post-war period of Reconstruction. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 141 or 142 or 341 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-344 The American Revolution (3 credits)
- Examines the social, cultural, political, and military developments in America's revolutionary period from 1754 through the ratification of the Constitution in the late 1780s. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the causes and consequences of the American Revolution, including the ideological origins of the conflict. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 141 or 340 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-345 United States Foreign Policy Since 1776 (3 credits)
- Broad understanding of the main developments in American diplomatic history. Students engage several major themes in United States foreign policy and learn how these interact by studying specific events throughout the history of America's involvement in the world. Discusses United States interaction with nations on every continent and throughout the centuries, looking for inconsistencies in these interactions and their impact on current global issues. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 141 or 142.
- HIST-348 The Great Crash and Depression: U.s. 1919-1941 (3 credits)
- Examines the causes of the Great Depression, compares it to previous economic crises, compares the responses of Hoover and Roosevelt to the depression, and discusses the origins, development, and impact of the New Deal. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 142 or 319 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-349 Cold War America: 1945-1990 (3 credits)
- The Cold War shaped American society, politics, foreign policy, economics, and culture in profound ways that must reviewed in the context of the American struggle with the Soviet Union. Important international conflicts such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War will be examined. Significant events such as the civil rights and women's rights movements will be investigated along with cultural and political transformations that shaped the period. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 142 or 348 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-351 Atlantic World Since 1492 (3 credits)
- Examines how the peoples of Europe, Africa, North America, and South America forged a unique Atlantic community between 1492 and 1800. Pays special attention to the exploration and colonization of the Americas, including the development of slave systems and imperial governance. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or HIST 112 or 354 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-354 History of the Caribbean to 1900 (3 credits)
- Explores the development of Caribbean societies from the late eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century. Analyzes the gradual disintegration of the plantation system as a result of internal and external forces. Uses a comparative approach to study internal migrations, creolization, plantation economies, natural disasters, crime, and emancipation. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 351 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-380 Topics in History (3 credits)
- Explores specialized topics in history in a lecture-discussion format. Repeatable course. Content changes each time course is offered. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
- HIST-381 Modern Britain: Challenge, Continuity, and Change, 1815 to Present (3 credits)
- Studies British politics and society during a period of remarkable change, as Britain acquired the biggest empire in human history and then lost it, while progressing from being a country that fought wars with its European neighbors to one that was close to the heart of the European Union. Covers religion, gender, politics, race, sport, art, and literature. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 317 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-383 Modern Scotland: Politics, Culture, And Identity, 1707 - Present (3 credits)
- Studies the development of Scotland over 300 years from the political union with England, through the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, to the two world wars and modern political devolution. Includes study of culture, religion, society, and literature. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or History 112 or 381 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-385 Ireland & the Irish Diaspora (3 credits)
- Studies the history of Ireland and Irish emigrant communities from the Middle Ages to the present day. Focus primarily on the years since 1700 and pays particular attention to political and social history, including the struggle for independence, emigration and its causes, and the changing fortunes of Irish communities overseas, especially in North America. Prerequisite: HIST 112 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-418 War, Politics, & Gender (3 credits)
- Examines various aspects of warfare in the Middle Ages, including weapons and tactics, the circumstances precipitating or preventing war, the roles of the church in shaping the intellectual and ethical framework of warfare, and the involvement of women in war as both armed and unarmed participants. Prerequisite: History 313 or 321 or permission of instructor. This course also counts toward the Gender and Women's Studies Minor.
- HIST-429 Rural Life Europe/N America Europe and North America, 1780-1900 (3 credits)
- Comparative study of select rural communities during the age of industrialization. Special attention to the themes of social class, folk culture, gender relations and rural politicization, especially in the context of struggles for land reform stimulated by the radical politics of the age. Incorporates original accounts of life on the land from European and American sources. Prerequisite: History 111 or 112 or 141 or 142 or 317 or 342; consent of instructor.
- HIST-438 War, Death, and Memory 1914-1939 (3 credits)
- Investigates the impact of the First World War's enormous death toll on European society, and in particular its impact on Christianity. Examines how societies responded to death both formally and informally. Studies the evolution, meaning, and impact of war memorials, as national, civic, and individual loci for grieving. Prerequisite: History 112 or 142 or 317 or 318.
- HIST-439 History of Indiana (3 credits)
- History of Indiana, from the earliest days up until the present, but with particular focus on the period of statehood and after. Special emphasis on the city of Evansville as a case study.
- HIST-450 The Decolonization of Africa 1919-PRESENT (3 credits)
- Examines the various paths that African peoples have taken to attain independence from European colonial powers. Takes an in-depth look at the writings, political activities, and violent struggles of several African societies as they challenged their colonial masters. Assesses the relative success or failure of these independence movements. Prerequisite: Junior standing or History 112 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-480 Topics in History (3 credits)
- Explores specialized topics in history, using the seminar format. Repeatable course. Content changes each time course is offered. Prerequisite: Junior standing, completion of three history courses, and permission of department chair.
- HIST-490 Senior Seminar in History (3 credits)
- Enables history majors to apply the principles of historical methodology learned in History 290, in the preparation of a major research paper. Required for history majors. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor.
- HIST-491 Independent Study in History (1-3 credits)
- Research and/or focused reading for history majors and minors on topics not sufficiently covered in the regular course offerings. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. Prerequisites: Junior standing; permission of instructor.
- HIST-492 History Internship (1-3 credits)
- Supervised field experience in agencies such as archives, historic preservation agencies, historical museums, or similar locations of direct relevance to a history major. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; permission of department internship coordinator.
- HIST-H378 Britain and the Middle East to 1922 (3 credits)
- Explores the role played by Britain in shaping the modern Middle East by focusing on British attempts to solve the "Eastern Question" - namely, deciding the fate of the Ottoman Empire. Examines the extent to which this effort provoked the rise of Arab nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism. Prerequisite: History 112 or permission of instructor.
- HIST-H379 Africa and British Imperialism, 1815-1919 (3 credits)
- Explores the role Britain played in shaping modern Africa and the reactions of Africans to this foreign intervention. Prerequisite: History 112 or permission of instructor.
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