Course Offerings
- THTR-110 Introduction to Theatre (3 credits)
- Acquaints students with the process of creating theatre and enhances their ability to enjoy and appreciate performances. Requires observations of some evening rehearsals and performances in addition to attendance at lectures. Fall, spring.
- THTR-111 Fundamentals of Acting (3 credits)
- Introduces fundamentals of acting through scene study and related exercises and explores the voice process during two consecutive semesters. Fall, spring.
- THTR-112 Fundamentals of Acting (3 credits)
- Introduces fundamentals of acting through scene study and related exercises and explores the voice process during two consecutive semesters.
- THTR-120 Production Techniques I (3 credits)
- Introduces concepts and techniques in the areas of scenery construction, theatre space use and organization. Students become familiar with management and organization behind the scenes. Special emphasis on safety and health backstage. Fall.
- THTR-125 Introduction to Makeup & Costumes (3 credits)
- Introduces essential techniques for makeup application and costume construction and maintenance. Covers tools and principles of basic corrective makeup and costume construction with practical application. Fall, spring.
- THTR-130 Color & Design for Theatre (3 credits)
- Acquaints students with the basic principles of design which govern all forms of visual expression. Provides students with the means to communicate in visual terms. Fall, spring.
- THTR-135 Graphic Communication for the Theatre (3 credits)
- (with lab) Prepares students for design courses by examining methods and procedures for developing effective communication and realization of visual concepts. Places equal emphasis on mechanical hand drafting, drawing, and sketching. Includes introduction to lighting graphics and model making. Spring.
- THTR-135L Graphic Communication for Theatre Lab (0 credits)
- Prepares students for design courses by examining methods and procedures for developing effective communication and realization of visual concepts. Places equal emphasis on mechanical hand drafting, drawing, and sketching. Includes introduction to lighting graphics and model making. Spring.
- THTR-160 Dramaturgy I: Script Analysis (3 credits)
- Introduces students to dramaturgical techniques for interpreting plays.
- THTR-171 Acting I: Process Awareness (3 credits)
- Examines the fundamentals of the acting process through exercises and scene study. Students participate in exercises designed to strengthen such skills as trust, relaxation, imagination, concentration, ensemble, and observation. Prerequisite: Theatre majors only. Fall.
- THTR-172 Acting II: Process Awareness (3 credits)
- Explores the vocal and physical demands placed on an actor. Techniques are learned for finding physical neutrality and acquiring a basic knowledge of how the voice works. Addresses American Stage Standard and developing a personal vocal and physical regimen. Prerequisites: Theatre majors only; THTR 171. Spring.
- THTR-190 Theatre Practicum (1 credit)
- Introduces departmental procedures in all areas of theatre operation. Provides students with the knowledge of backstage safety, equipment, and methodology through formal presentation and hands-on experiences. Begins student involvement in practical participation in productions. May be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours. Fall, Spring.
- THTR-220 Production Techniques II (3 credits)
- Develops advanced theoretical and practical application of concepts begun in THTR 120. Students investigate advance scenic construction techniques in carpentry, metalworking, and rigging. Spring (offered alternate odd years).
- THTR-221 Production Techniques III (3 credits)
- Explores a variety of technical theatre topics offered in relation to current production needs and student interests. Topics may include Lighting production, sound design and production, advanced woodworking, rigging, metalwork, or automation. Repeatable course up to 3 separate topic offerings
- THTR-225 Makeup (3 credits)
- Refines the techniques of makeup introduced in Theatre 125. Provides a detailed study of the techniques for applying makeup emphasizing character and period research. Projects introduce prosthetics and the application of facial hair. Prerequisite: THTR 125. Fall.
- THTR-226 Costume Construction (3 credits)
- Investigates the fundamentals of costume construction introduced in Theatre 125. Topics include pattern drafting, draping, cutting, fitting, and advanced stitching. Practical projects introduce fabric identification. Prerequisite: THTR 125. Fall, spring.
- THTR-245 Dance I (2 credits)
- Develops the actor's physical movement and dance proficiency in a one-year studio. Fall, spring.
- THTR-246 Dance I (2 credits)
- Develops the actor's physical movement and dance proficiency in a one-year studio. Fall, spring.
- THTR-251 Introduction to Theatre Histories (3 credits)
- Introduces students to the creation of theatre in different time periods and cultures.
- THTR-271 Acting III: Character Study (3 credits)
- Investigates the basics of character development through scene study, text analysis, vocal, and physical exercises. Prerequisites: THTR-111, THTR 112 or THTR-172. Fall.
- THTR-272 Acting IV: Character Study (3 credits)
- Investigates the basics of character development through scene study, text analysis, vocal, and physical exercises. Prerequisites: THTR-111, THTR 112 or THTR-172. Spring.
- THTR-290 Theatre Practicum (1 credit)
- Through practical experiences, involves students in the areas of technical theatre, costume construction, and ticket office. May be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours. Prerequisite: THTR 120 or 190. Fall, spring.
- THTR-291 Theatre Practicum for Stage Managers (1 credit)
- Through practical experiences, involves students in the area of stage management. Prerequisite: THTR 190. Fall, spring.
- THTR-331 CADD for Theatre I (3 credits)
- Develops beginning-level techniques for using computer assisted drafting and design (CADD) for theatre. Emphasis on Vectorworks 2D drafting and theatre graphics. Prerequisites: THTR-135. Fall.
- THTR-332 CADD for Theatre II (3 credits)
- Develops advanced level techniques using computer applications for a variety of purposes in the theatre. Emphasis on use of software such as Vectorworks 3D, Google Sketchup 3D, and Adobe Creative Suite to enhance skills for portfolios, presentations, and rendering. Prerequisite: THTR 130, 331.
- THTR-335 Scene Design (3 credits)
- Examines the theory and practice of scenic design and manipulation of stage space. Special emphasis on the development of the "design concept" as related to all aspects of theatrical design. Prerequisites: THTR 135. Spring.
- THTR-336 Lighting Design (3 credits)
- Examines the theory and practice of lighting design. Emphasis on the role of the lighting designer as a creative member of a collaborative team. Students explore a variety of approaches to developing a successful lighting design. Prerequisites: THTR-135. Fall.
- THTR-337 Costume Design (3 credits)
- Examines theory and practice of costume design. Emphasis on development of design concepts and visualization and articulation of ideas. Investigates various approaches and techniques for creating the costume design. Prerequisites: THTR 125, 130, 135; or permission of instructor. Fall.
- THTR-338 Sound Design for the Stage (3 credits)
- An in-depth study of the artistic and mechanical fundamentals of sound design for theperforming arts. Through demonstrations, lectures, labs, and projects we will examine the various tools and techniques necessary to create sound designs with current standards and practices.Emphasis on the role of the sound designer as a creative member of a collaborative team. Pre-Requisites THTR 221
- THTR-345 Dance II (2 credits)
- Expands the actor's physical movement and dance proficiency in a one-year studio. Prerequisites: THTR 245, 246; or permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
- THTR-346 Dance II (2 credits)
- Expands the actor's physical movement and dance proficiency in a one-year studio. Prerequisites: THTR 245, 246; or permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
- THTR-350 Stage Management (3 credits)
- Examines current topics and trends in stage management and explores techniques in the field. Seminar-style class involves students in independent research projects with written and oral sharing of information. Prerequisites: THTR 120. Spring (offered alternate odd years).
- THTR-351 Theatre History I (3 credits)
- Examines social, religious, political, and artistic forces that have contributed to the development of theatre in the West from its origin through the present. This course does not meet the requirements for General Education Writing Across the Curriculum credit. Prerequisites: THTR 110 or 160; junior or senior standing. Fall.
- THTR-352 Theatre History II (3 credits)
- Explores the history of theatre around the world, relating it to key developments in human communication and other cultural forces. Covers performances that occur on the continuum between remote oral cultures and communities touched by globalization. Introduces students to multiple interpretive approaches that have impacted the study of theatre history as a whole. This course does not meet the requirements for General Education Writing Across the Curriculum credit. Prerequisites: THTR 110 or 160; THTR 351 or THTR 361, junior or senior standing. Spring. Should be taken in sequence.
- THTR-361 Theatre History I (3 credits)
- Examines social, religious, political, and artistic forces that have contributed to the development of theatre in the West from its origin through the present. Culminates with a final project in which students choose a play or topic and research its social, religious, political, and artistic context. Should be taken in sequence. Prerequisites: THTR 110 or 160; junior or senior standing. Fall.
- THTR-362 Theatre History II (3 credits)
- Examines social, religious, political, and artistic forces that have contributed to the development of theatre in the West from its origin through the present. Culminates with a final project in which students choose a play or topic and research its social, religious, political, and artistic context. Should be taken in sequence. Prerequisites: THTR 110 or 160; junior or senior standing. Spring.
- THTR-363 Period Styles for the Theatre 1: Architecture and Decor (3 credits)
- Connects cultural values with visual imagery representative of important historical periods through a survey of architecture, interior design, and decorative arts from the pre-historic to the modern eras. Emphasis on period research and its importance in the artistic process. Prerequisite: THTR 110 or 160. Spring (offered alternate even years).
- THTR-364 Period Styles for the Theatre 2: Costume History (3 credits)
- Connects cultural values with visual imagery representative of important historical periods through a survey of fashion and clothing from the prehistoric to the modern eras. Emphasis on period research and its importance in the artistic process. Prerequisite: THTR 110 or 160. Spring (offered alternate odd years).
- THTR-365 Playwriting (3 credits)
- Proceeds from basic scene and character development to the writing one-act plays. Prerequisite: THTR 110 or 160.
- THTR-371 Acting V: Classical Texts (3 credits)
- Prepares the student actor to perform scenes from classical dramatic literature, including Shakespeare, Sophocles, Ibsen, Chekhov, and others. Scenes specifically selected to develop physical, sensorial, vocal, and emotional skills. Prerequisites: THTR 271 or 272; permission of acting faculty. Fall.
- THTR-372 Acting Vi: Advanced Scene Study (3 credits)
- Catered to students enrolled, scenes are specifically selected to further challenge the individual actors process and allow exposure to a wide variety of established works. Prerequisites: THTR 371; permission of acting faculty. Spring.
- THTR-375 Acting in Dialect (3 credits)
- Presents an in-depth study of performing in dialect. Students gain the necessary knowledge and skill required to create appropriate and credible dialects needed for roles in the theatre. The course teaches students to develop a dialect through vowel and consonant changes, sound placement, and mastering the differences in inflection, rhythm, and tempo. Prerequisite: THTR 172 and junior or senior standing. Fall.
- THTR-381 Philosophies and Ethics of Theatre (3 credits)
- Through an investigation of performances across time and diverse cultures, examines big questions about the purpose of theatre and ethics of theatre-making. Pre-Requisite: THTR 160.
- THTR-382 Dramaturgy Ii: Research Methods (3 credits)
- Introduces students to dramaturgical methods for researching and contextualizing plays for production. Pre-requisite: THTR 160.
- THTR-390 Theatre Practicum (1 credit)
- Continues student involvement begun in Theatre 290 with practical experiences in various aspects of theatre production. May be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours. Prerequisites: THTR-190 and THTR-290. Fall, spring.
- THTR-391 Theatre Practicum for Stage Managers (1 credit)
- Continues student involvement begun in Theatre 291 with practical experiences in stage management. May be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours. Prerequisite: THTR 291. Fall, spring.
- THTR-395 Special Topics (1-3 credits)
- (1-3 credits) Permits the study and/or practice of auxiliary topics not covered in the regular curriculum in a seminar format. Topics might include musical theatre, regional theatre, stage management, or advanced stagecraft. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Offered on demand.
- THTR-400 Theatre Management (3 credits)
- Examines the history, theory, and practice of theatre management and arts administration. Covers basic components of organization, operations, and general management practices. Prerequisite: Junior/Senior Standing. Spring (offered alternate odd years).
- THTR-430 Advanced Design Projects (1-3 credits)
- (1-3 credits) Provides design students an opportunity to explore concepts and skills on an advanced level through paper projects. Individualized course of study is theoretical in nature and is developed in conjunction with a member of the faculty to satisfy each student's needs. Prerequisite: Permission of design faculty. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. Fall, spring.
- THTR-435 Senior Portfolios and Career Preparation (3 credits)
- Prepares students to interview for opportunities in the professional theatre, graduate programs, and internships. Acquaints students with the nature of postgraduate training and career options. Prerequisites: Senior standing; permission of design faculty. Fall.
- THTR-440 Director/Designer Collaboration Sem (3 credits)
- Explores the collaborative experience in design, through short-term and long-term projects. Focuses on the interaction of artistic teams and the creative process of conceptualizing a theatrical production. Prerequisite: Successful completion of one or more of the following: THTR 335, THTR 336, THTR 337, THTR 481. Fall.
- THTR-450 Arts Leadership (3 credits)
- Overview of accounting procedures and budgeting for the theatre, in combination with an intensive study of audience development and marketing trends directly related to the efficient management and promotion of the arts. Prerequisite: Junior/Senior standing. Spring (offered alternate even years).
- THTR-465 Senior Seminar in Theatre (3 credits)
- Encourages students to consider their own values and goals as they prepare to embark on a career in theatre. Emphasis on integration of independent research and creative practice through writing and presentations. Capstone general education requirement for theatre majors. To be taken in the senior year. Spring.
- THTR-471 Acting Vii: Audition Techniques (3 credits)
- Prepares students to audition for opportunities in the professional theatre, graduate programs, and internships. Acquaints students with the nature of postgraduate training and career options. Prerequisite: THTR 372 or permission of instructor. Fall.
- THTR-472 Acting VIII: Advanced Project (3 credits)
- Provides students the opportunity to demonstrate research, analytical, artistic, and technical skills, culminating in a formal presentation. Prerequisite: THTR 471 or permission of instructor . Spring.
- THTR-481 Directing I (3 credits)
- Provides the beginning directing student with an initial experience in directorial analysis and the experience of mounting selected scenes in a proscenium, arena, and thrust environment. Focuses on principles of directing, interpretation, composition, the actor, and realization of a directorial concept. To be taken in the junior year. Fall, spring.
- THTR-482 Directing II (3 credits)
- Provides a limited number of advanced directing students with an opportunity to expand their directing skills with more complex scene choices. Intensive analysis is expected as well as production exercises which illustrate a student's ability to deal with the concept-to-realization process. To be taken in the senior year. Entrance by application. Fall, spring.
- THTR-495 Independent Study (1-3 credits)
- (1-3 credits) Permits advanced creative and scholarly work in any area of the theatre arts. The specific plan of study for each individual is determined in consultation with the faculty. Areas of study may include directing, design, playwriting, dramaturgy, theatre history, and pedagogy. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. Fall, spring.
- THTR-497 Production Problems (1-3 credits)
- (1-3 credits) Offers credit for significant technical projects undertaken. Individual student works with faculty supervision in conjunction with a specific production. Such areas as technical direction, stage management, costume construction, property construction, and dialect coaching may be included. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. Fall, spring.
- THTR-499 Internships in Theatre (0-12 credits)
- (3-12 credits) Provides advanced students with the opportunity to work or study in a commercial or regional theatre or with a professional training program while earning college credit. Program developed in conjunction with faculty. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; completion of core requirements in field of study; minimum GPA of 3.0; permission of department chair. Fall, spring, summer.
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Room 109, Hyde Hall