Other Enrollment Experiences
Harlaxton/Study Abroad
In most cases, students attending Harlaxton during the academic year and enrolled full time will have the same gift assistance available to them as when they attend the Evansville campus. In some cases, loan eligibility may be adjusted to acknowledge the additional costs. Financial aid is available to students enrolled in a study abroad program if the program is a University-approved program and the student is a full-time student. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will be monitored in the same manner as when the student is enrolled at UE’s home campus.
Summer Sessions
The types of financial aid available for summer courses is dependent upon enrollment, but may include federal loans, Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Tuition Remission, and work-study. Students must be enrolled at least half time to qualify for federal loans and Pell Grant funds. No University of Evansville gift assistance is available for any summer programs, including Harlaxton, study abroad, and on-campus summer classes. Students enrolling less than half time may consider private loans. Students may work on campus (as jobs are available) in the summer regardless of enrollment status. Applications for summer employment and summer financial aid are available in mid-March. For complete summer information, view the Summer Sessions page.
Winter Intersession
No UE scholarships, Tuition Remission, or UE athletic scholarships are available for the Winter Intersession, but some students may have eligibility for student or parent loans. For complete information, visit the Winter Intersession page.
Co-ops, Clinicals, Internships
Financial aid will be available only if the work-related experience results in being a registered student at UE. For example, the clinical block built into the DPT program during the last spring semester results in a regularly assessed semester of full-time tuition charges and normal aid eligibility. By contrast, most engineering co-op semesters do not result in being registered for UE courses, in which case normal tuition is not charged, nor is aid disbursed. The Office of Student Financial Services will determine a student’s aid eligibility on a semester-by-semester basis when these experiences are involved.
Office Phone
812-488-2364 or 800-424-8634
Office Fax
Office Email
Office Location
Room 105, Olmsted Administration Hall
Making Payments
Payment Location
Room 105G, Olmsted Administration Hall