Payment Options
The University of Evansville accepts payment in the following forms: check, e-check, and the four major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Electronic payments are accepted over the phone or online through Self-Service. All credit card transactions are subject to a service fee of 2.5% of the payment amount. There are no processing fees when payments are received by e-check. Cash payments of up to $1,000 per semester are accepted.
To submit payment:
- Pay online through Self-Service.
- Call the Office of Student Financial Services at 812-488-2565.
- Mail payment to Office of Student Financial Services, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47722
- Visit the cashier in the Office of Student Financial Services in Room 105, Olmsted Administration Hall.
Office Phone
812-488-2364 or 800-424-8634
Office Fax
Office Email
Office Location
Room 105, Olmsted Administration Hall
Making Payments
Payment Location
Room 105G, Olmsted Administration Hall