Reporting Emergencies
All members of the campus community are expected to assist in making the campus a safe place by reporting emergencies and criminal activity directly to the Office of Public Safety by dialing the campus emergency number 6911. Emergency calls may also be made directly to the Evansville City Police/Fire Departments by dialing 9911. These numbers are posted throughout the residence halls, in the campus telephone directory and on campus telephones located in the lobbies of most campus buildings and residence halls. Trained radio and telephone operators are available 24 hours a day to respond to emergency calls. When the call is received, security officers will be dispatched immediately to the site of the complaint.
For Non-Emergency Situations visit the Non-Emergency Response Page.
- Criminal Activity
- Sexual Assault or Rape
- Medical Emergency
- Missing Persons
- Emergency Contact Registration
Criminal Activity
If you witness a violent crime or criminal behavior, do not take any chances! Notify security immediately by dialing 6911 from any campus phone or using one of the Campus Emergency Phones.
If you wish to report criminal activity anonymously to local law enforcement, call the WE TIP line at 1-800-78-CRIME (1-800-782-7463).
Maybe you have some information about a past incident? Check out the Report A Concern form. You can help the University by supplying us with some information. It is important to give as much information as possible so be prepared to give the following information:
- Your name
- Location of incident
- Nature of incident
- Number of persons involved
- Descriptions of person(s) involved:
- Race (white, black, Asian, Latino, etc.)
- Male & Female
- Height & Build (short, tall, average, medium, heavy, skinny)
- Hair (Blonde,Brown, shoulder length, short, etc.)
- Clothing (Blue jeans, red striped shirt, baseball cap, etc.)
- Other physical characteristics (facial hair, tattoos, sunglasses, etc.)
- Description of vehicle involved:
- Color
- Make (Ford, Chevy, etc.)
- Model ( 4 door, convertible, hatch back, etc.)
- License plate
- Identifiable markings (decals, stripes, noticeable damage, etc.)
- Direction of travel if suspect fled the scene (north, southeast, Weinbach runs north and south, Walnut runs east and west.)
- Description of property involved
- You should remain available to assist officers by supplying them with additional information. Ask others to do the same.
Don't let yourself fall victim to criminal activity. Check out our 'Tips' page for crime prevention information.
Sexual Assault or Rape
Whether the victim intends to press charges or not, it is strongly recommended that rape or attempted rape or sexual assault be reported. Notify someone immediately such as a Residence Assistant, Residential Coordinator, the Security Office, a Professor, or the Evansville Police Department. All complaints received by the University will be forwarded to the University Title IX Officer.
What To Do If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted and Reporting Options
Medical Emergencies
Campus security officers are trained as first responders in first-aid and CPR in case of accidents or medical emergencies.
When reporting a medical emergency you should:
- Dial 6911 or use a Campus Emergency Phone
- State your name
- Your location
- Victim's name, if known
- Victim's location
- Nature of emergency
- Condition of victim (i.e., unconscious, bleeding severely, convulsing, not breathing, has no pulse, in severe pain, choking, suspected fracture or compound fracture)
- Stay on the line until the operator tells you help is on its way and releases you.
For minor medical situations such as:
- Headaches
- Stomach aches
- Minor scrapes, cuts and abrasions
Call the Health and Wellness center during the day. The Office of Public Safety will transport individuals to any of the local hospital emergency rooms after hours and on weekends and at the request of Health and Wellness or Training Room staff.
* If in a residence hall or Village housing, contact your RA or professional staff for additional assistance.
Missing Persons Policy
Missing Persons Confidential Contact
Students living in on-campus University housing, including University approved housing, have the option to identify a confidential contact person or persons whom the institution shall notify within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing by the Office of Public Safety or by the Evansville Police Department. This information will be kept confidential and will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement personnel in the furtherance of a missing person investigation. Students living in on-campus University or University approved housing may register their confidential contact person(s) in SelfService.
Missing Persons Protocol
If a student, residing in an on-campus University or University approved housing, is believed to be missing for a period of 24 hours, the Office of Public Safety should be immediately notified at 812-488-2051. The Office of Public Safety will prepare a Missing Person's Report and initiate an investigation, including an internal search of the campus. This may include using residence life staff, verifying class attendance with faculty members, and interviewing friends of the missing student.
All reports of missing students made to the University Office of Public Safety will be investigated.
If the internal investigation determines that the student has been missing more than 24 hours, the University will, within 24 hours:
- notify the individual(s) identified as the missing student's confidential Missing Person contact.
- if under 18 years of age, and not emancipated notify a parent or guardian and any other designated person(s)
- regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18 or is an emancipated minor, the University will contact the Evansville Police Department.
Emergency Contact Registration
Each year, the University will request all students, on a voluntary basis, provide the University with an emergency contact person(s). This person(s) would be contacted in case of an emergency, medical or otherwise, occurring with the student. The student has the option to use the same contact person(s) that they selected as their Missing Person contact, or they can select a different person(s) Students can register their emergency contact person(s) in SelfService.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
First floor, General Services Building