Event Details
Mixed Choir/Women’s Chorus
6:00 p.m., Sunday, November 18, 2018
Neu Chapel Sanctuary, University of Evansville Campus, 1800 Lincoln Ave, Evansville, IN
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (1974)
arr. John Rutter
The Peace of God (1991)
John Rutter (b. 1945)
*Nigra sum (1966)
Pablo Casals (1876-1973)
Till There Was You
Meredith Wilson (1902-1984)
Arr. Mac Huff
Georgia on My Mind
Hoagy Carmichael (1899-1981)
Arr. Carl Strommen
UE Women’s Chorus
Kristin Jones, piano
Turn Back, O Man (1919)
arr. Gustav Holst
How Lovely Are the Messengers
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
From St. Paul, Op. 36
What Sweeter Music (1988)
John Rutter
The Promise of Living (1954)
Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
UE Mixed Choir
Kristin Jones, piano
Bill Hemminger, piano (on The Promise of Living)
*Translation: I am dark and comely, daughters of Jerusalem, Therefore I have pleased the Lord and he has brought me into his chamber and said to me: “Arise my love and come. For now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, The flowers have appeared in our land, the time of pruning is come.” (from The Song of Solomon)
Women’s Chorus
Bailey Alka
Brandi Beckham
Karas Bertels-Boener
Karen Brundy
Olivia Campbell
Kayleigh Doyle
Catherine Duenne
Cassie Dunn
Tessa Hemmerlein
Lydia Horb
Bayleigh Kasper
Taylor Keating
Delanie Kitzman
McKenna Laabs
Bailey Lomax
Tenshi Nakamura
Caroline Roberts
Cassidy Rogers
Becky Rusch
Haley Russler
Chloe Shrieves
Grace Sinclair
Christina Sorrell
Maggie Sullivan
Sarah Weithers
Mixed Choir
Jared Bailey
Evan Barnett
Brandon Bertinotti
Anna Bradley
Grant Burnett
Connor Cleary
Kyla Clift
Gabby Coomes
Alex Edgecomb
Breanna Evans
Connor Fritch
Michael Furman
Megan Gemmel
Rachel Gomes
Katie Grubb
Kiersten Hill
Alexis Howey
Grace Kapelski
Lillie Kolich
Rafael Pereira
Staci Records
Benjamin (Obi) Roberts
Chris Rogers
Zachary Scalzitti
Zachary Schultheis
Joseph Shoup
Mardi Sramek
Allison Statler
Mitchell Steinkamp
Danielle Tessier
Gabrielle VanBuskirk
Kelly Walsh
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Office Location
Room 133, Krannert Hall of Art and Music