Friends of UE Music
The Friends of UE Music (FUEM) was established to provide financial support for special music projects and to aid in creating a close bond among the Music Conservatory, its students and alumni, parents, and the many supporters. Since its inception in 1981 FUEM has contributed significantly to music at the University of Evansville.
- Purchased state-of-the-art sound equipment, computers, and equipment for the band and choral libraries
- Purchased new instruments including a Steinway concert grand piano
- Brought distinguished artists to campus to perform and teach master classes
- Funded commissions for compositions by living composers
- Funded ensemble tours to Hawaii, Russia, France, Italy, and New York's Carnegie Hall
- Supplemented annual Gumberts Awards for outstanding senior student performance
- Supported faculty professional recording and development
- Assisted in funding a study to explore the potential of a performing arts center (and improved music facilities) on UE's campus.
FUEM also established an endowment fund in 2006 which provides financial assistance to music students. Interest from the endowment is used annually to award assistantships that supplement any financial aid the students have already received. The goal of the FUEM board is to increase the size of the endowment through contributions and fund raising events so each year a greater number of music students can be assisted.
Who are the Friends of UE Music?
They are people like you! For as little as $20 or $30 you can become a member of the Friends of UE Music. Fill out a membership card or the form on the back of our recital programs and return it along with your tax-deductible donation to the University of Evansville Music Conservatory.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 133, Krannert Hall of Art and Music