Course Offerings
- PA-511 Human Physiology (4 credits)
- This course focuses on the aspects of human physiology that are most important to build a basic science foundation for future clinical practice. The focus is that all disease and injury to the human body is a deviation from normal anatomy and physiology. Material will focus on normal physiology (and some anatomy) and clinically relevant pathophysiology to set a foundation for future clinical courses. Instruction will introduce how clinicians use "breaks" in homeostasis to diagnosis and treat disease. This course material is linked to PA 530 Diagnostic tests and PA 531 Medical Imaging.
- PT-410 Foundations of PT (2 credits)
- This course introduces the foundational proficiencies necessary for practice in the profession of physical therapy. Topics include body mechanics, elements of documentation (initial encounter, daily note, re-examination, discharge summary), effects of inactivity, foundations of therapeutic exercise, infection control, mobility training, patient/client equipment, patient/client stress, positioning and turning, posture preparation for patient/client care, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation trunk and extremity patterns, range of motion exercise, stretching exercise, transfer training, vital signs, wheelchairs, and wound management. Principles from the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice are incorporated into the course and written documentation, as suggested by the guide, is utilized for specific lab activities. Students participate in initial field experiences in an acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, and pediatric facility. Prerequisite: PT 441.
- PT-412 Physical Interventions (2 credits)
- This lecture/lab course provides the student with an introduction to the therapeutic modality and other physical intervention skills commonly encountered in physical therapy practice. The course covers the healing process, pain mechanisms, indications/contraindication, and physiological effects of each intervention in a lab/lecture experience. The primary interventions covered include electrical stimulation, hydrotherapy, soft tissue massage, cryotherapy, thermal modalities, electromagnetic modalities, ultrasound, traction, and compression. Prerequisite: PT 441.
- PT-414 Patient Mgt II (2 credits)
- This course provides the student with an introduction to commonly prescribed therapeutic exercise interventions. An emphasis will be placed on understanding therapeutic exercise from a motor control perspective and how pain affects motor control and patterns of movement. Progression of fundamental exercises through the neurodevelopmental postures as they relate to common impairments found in the outpatient physical therapy setting will be covered. Students will learn the purpose of each therapeutic exercise technique and demonstrate application and critical thinking skills through practical experiences in preparation for future patient management courses. Prerequisite: PT 441.
- PT-417 Test & Measurements (2 credits)
- Introduces the basic procedures for objective assessment of the musculo-skeletal system through measurement of joint range of motion (ROM) and muscle strength. Laboratory sessions will allow practice in the techniques of goniometry and manual muscle testing (MMT). Inclinometers, hand held dynamometers and isokinetic testing are introduced. Prerequisite: PT 441. Spring.
- PT-510 Foundations of PT (2 credits)
- This course introduces the foundational proficiencies necessary for practice in the profession of physical therapy. Topics include body mechanics, elements of documentation (initial encounter, daily note, re-examination, discharge summary), effects of inactivity, foundations of therapeutic exercise, infection control, mobility training, patient/client equipment, patient/client stress, positioning and turning, posture preparation for patient/client care, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation trunk and extremity patterns, range of motion exercise, stretching exercise, transfer training, vital signs, wheelchairs, and wound management. Principles from the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice are incorporated into the course and written documentation, as suggested by the guide, is utilized for specific lab activities. Students participate in initial field experiences in an acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, and pediatric facility. Prerequisite: PT 541.
- PT-512 Physical Interventions (2 credits)
- This lecture/lab course provides the student with an introduction to the therapeutic modality and other physical intervention skills commonly encountered in physical therapy practice. The course covers the healing process, pain mechanisms, indications/contraindication, and physiological effects of each intervention in a lab/lecture experience. The primary interventions covered include electrical stimulation, hydrotherapy, soft tissue massage, cryotherapy, thermal modalities, electromagnetic modalities, ultrasound, traction, and compression. Prerequisite: PT 541.
- PT-514 Foundatn Therapeutic Exercise (2 credits)
- This course provides the student with an introduction to commonly prescribed therapeutic exercise interventions. An emphasis will be placed on understanding therapeutic exercise from a motor control perspective and how pain affects motor control and patterns of movement. Progression of fundamental exercises through the neurodevelopmental postures as they relate to common impairments found in the outpatient physical therapy setting will be covered. Students will learn the purpose of each therapeutic exercise technique and demonstrate application and critical thinking skills through practical experiences in preparation for future patient management courses. Prerequisite: PT 541.
- PT-517 Test & Measurements (2 credits)
- Introduces the basic procedures for objective assessment of the musculo-skeletal system through measurement of joint range of motion (ROM) and muscle strength. Laboratory sessions will allow practice in the techniques of goniometry and manual muscle testing (MMT). Inclinometers, hand held dynamometers and isokinetic testing are introduced. Prerequisite: PT 541. Spring.
- PT-521 Patient Management I Musculoskeletal (8 credits)
- Initiates patient management sequence. Expands upon the anatomical, kinesiological, and therapeutic exercise principles presented in previous courses. Emphasis on examination and assessment of the musculoskeletal system. Common conditions and impairments are presented and reinforced through use of case examples. Appropriate interventions are addressed conceptually and performed in the laboratory. Addresses concepts and techniques related to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Medical documentation integrated into laboratory activities and assignments. Experiential opportunities included. Prerequisite: PT 541. Spring.
- PT-523 Wellness in Physical Therapy (2 credits)
- This course address issues related to wellness and overall health and fitness promotion from a physical therapy perspective. Areas of learning will include introduction to common fitness and wellness programs, nutrition, balance and movement screening, and application of transition from rehabilitation to encouraging behavior change promoting lifelong wellness. This course, when completed in addition to PT 451/551 and PT 452/552, meets the criteria for the general education capstone outcome as well as one writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: PT 541.
- PT-531 Gross Anatomy (5 credits)
- For students in the physical therapy program. Emphasis on gross anatomy of the human skeleton, muscular, vascular, and nervous systems. Knowledge of gross anatomy provides students with a sound foundation upon which other courses in the physical therapy curriculum can directly or indirectly be related. Content presented in a regional approach, and includes anatomical concepts such as proper terminology, surface anatomy, and joint function. Gross anatomy is best learned in the laboratory through dissection of the human body. Course is primarily a laboratory experience. Prerequisite: PT 541.
- PT-532 Kinesiology (3 credits)
- Introduces the elements and principles basic to the study of human movement. It combines the disciplines of biomechanics, physiology, and anatomy to analyze functional movements, balance, and gait. Discusses concepts of kinetics, kinematics, length-tension relationships, and the functional significance of the structure of biological tissues. Emphasizes clinical application of mechanical concepts. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the DPT program. Summer.
- PT-533 Human Growth & Development (3 credits)
- Presents typical human development from conception to death including functional changes in posture and movement. Presents processes of growth, maturation, adaptation, motor control, and motor learning. Discusses concepts of critical period, health risk, physiologic reserve, and senescence. The relationship of physical, cognitive, and social theories of human development and age-related system changes are given. Views motor behavior across life span within a social and psychological context. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the DPT program. Summer.
- PT-534 Medical Pathology I (2 credits)
- Explores consequences of disruption in normal physiological and developmental processes. Common diseases and disorders involving all major body systems addressed, as well as selected systemic diseases. Topics include diseases of infectious, immune system, traumatic, degenerative, and congenital origin. Focuses on pathogenesis, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, prognosis, medical intervention including pharmacological agents, and implications related to physical therapy practice. Prerequisites: PT 541. Fall.
- PT-536 Medical Pathology II (2 credits)
- This course explores the consequences of disruption in normal physiological and developmental processes. Common diseases, disorders and syndromes involving all major body systems are addressed, as well as selected systemic diseases. Topics include diseases of an infectious nature, immune system deficiency and degenerative origin. The course focuses on the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, laboratory findings, prognosis, medical intervention including pharmacologic agents and implications related to physical therapy practice. Prerequisite: PT 541.
- PT-541 Clinical & Profes Issues I Introduction (2 credits)
- First in series of clinical and professional issues courses. Provides introduction to professional practice expectations of physical therapy. Provides orientation and strategies for success in the professional program. Introduction to American Physical Therapy Association. Students explore the practice of physical therapy utilizing the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and the core values of the profession. Introduction to professional ethics and communication required in professional relationships. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the DPT program. Summer.
- PT-542 Clinic/Profes Issues II Adult Lrn Prin (1 credit)
- Second in series of four clinical and professional issues courses. Focuses on physical therapist's role as an educator and developing one's own cultural competence. Provides introduction to federal programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. Prerequisites: PT 541. Fall.
- PT-551 Scientific Inquiry I: Stats & Research (2 credits)
- This is the first in a series of five courses designed to prepare the graduate to practice in an evidence-based manner and to be an astute consumer and judge of scientific research. Topics include fundamentals of clinical rehabilitation research including evidence-based practice, searching the literature, and research ethics. Fundamentals of clinical research approaches include variable recognition, research validity, measurement theory, reliability, responsiveness, and validity. Basic statistical procedures to assess mean differences as well as inference testing are covered. This course, when completed in addition to PT 452/552 and PT 423/523, meets the criteria for the general education capstone outcome as well as one writing-intensive course. Prerequisites: PT 541. Fall.
- PT-552 Scientific Inquiry II: Critical Apprais (2 credits)
- This is the second in a series of five courses designed to prepare the graduate to practice in an evidence-based manner and to be an astute consumer and judge of scientific research. Topics include critical appraisal of research related the diagnostic process and intervention trials. Student complete critical appraisals of published research in a written format and present their appraisals orally. This course, when completed in addition to Physical Therapy 451/551 and 423/523, meets the criteria for the General Education capstone outcome as well as one writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: PT 541. Spring.
- PT-622 Patient Mgmt II Cardiovasc and Pulmonary (3 credits)
- Applies principles of rehabilitation science to patients with disorders of the cardiovascular or pulmonary systems. Topics include pathophysiology, patient assessment, medical and surgical management of disease, and safety aspects. The course emphasizes the design, implementation, and administration of a team-based approach to cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation and disease prevention. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Spring.
- PT-623 Patient Mgmt III Multiple Syspatient Man (4 credits)
- Studies physical therapy management of patients with amputations, integumentary and oncologic disorders, as well as acute and chronic disorders seen in the older adult. Student expected to discuss the medical, surgical, and pharmacological management of these conditions. Emphasis on problem solving with material presented in module format. Laboratory activities include balance assessment, wound assessment and management, lymphedema interventions including bandaging, geriatric screening, functional assessments, and exercise for the elderly. Concepts associated with limb amputations and prosthetic devices addressed in laboratory setting. Students participate in an observational experience in a prosthetic clinic, as well as at a health care facility specializing in wound care. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-626 Patient Management V Neuromuscular (7 credits)
- Studies physical therapy management of the patient with neurologic dysfunction, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and multiple progressive neurologic conditions. Pathology, etiology, and natural history of these disorders are presented in tandem with their medical, surgical, and pharmacological management. Students are expected to be able to examine and evaluate patients with neurological dysfunction by selecting appropriate tests and measures, developing efficacious plans of care, implementing therapeutic interventions, and documenting using the best evidence. Students are also expected to provide a rationale for all decisions made as part of this patient management process, including selection of appropriate outcome measures. Experiential opportunities, clinical simulations, role playing, small group learning activities, and video demonstrations are used with problem-solving exercises to reinforce mastery of the material. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Spring.
- PT-630 Rehabilitation Pharmacology (2 credits)
- Presents basic aspects of the mechanism of action of drugs commonly employed in the practice of rehabilitation. Fundamental principles of drug action are followed by an in-depth discussion of specific drugs used. Topics include pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, drug interactions, polypharmacy, and adverse drug reactions. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541.
- PT-631 Neurobiology (3 credits)
- Lecture-lab. Normal development of the brain and spinal cord and the gross anatomy of these structures examined. Laboratory provides opportunity to study human specimens and models to gain a three-dimensional understanding of the central nervous system during first part of course. Subsequently, pathways and associated structures that mediate general sensory, special sensory, autonomic, and somatic motor functions are described and the consequences of lesions of these pathways discussed. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-632 Medical Imaging (2 credits)
- Covers basic principles of diagnostic imaging pertinent to clinical practice. Familiarizes student with magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasonography, and plain film studies of the spine and extremities. Students view and interpret normal and abnormal images for these modalities. Student examines research related to diagnostic imaging with regard to sensitivity, specificity, and correlation with clinical findings. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-641 Clinic/Prof Iss II Ethics (1 credit)
- Continuation of clinical and professional issues course sequence which encourages value clarification and ethical decision making and its relationship to health care. Various situations, dilemmas, and individuals utilized to represent topics discussed. Topics intended to develop and heighten awareness of dilemmas faced by health care providers and their patients. Lecture. Prerequisites: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-642 Clinic/Professional Issues IV Advo/Cultu (2 credits)
- Designed to promote importance of political and social advocacy. Content related to professional education, outcomes assessment, and consultation addressed. Students explore profession's core value of social responsibility and provide evidence of their own involvement in the community and political arena. Prerequisite: PT 441 or PT 541. Spring.
- PT-643 Leadership & Administration (3 credits)
- Examines leadership and administration theories and practice that are specific to physical therapy and rehabilitation. Practical implementation of this information is emphasized with the students actively involved in the processes of strategic planning, marketing, supervising, budgeting, effective documentation, and balancing human and fiscal resources within health care environments. Additional leadership concepts of motivation, communication, group dynamics, managing change, and organizational development are explored in depth. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Spring.
- PT-644 Behavioral Psychology (3 credits)
- Draws together theoretical constructs of psychology, neuropsychological, and behavioral medicine to help explain the etiology of expected behavioral and emotional responses to compromised motor function and neurologic impairment typically experienced by patients in physical therapy rehabilitation and to provide guidance in management of these patients. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Spring.
- PT-651 Scientific Inquiry III (3 credits)
- This is the third in a series of four courses designed to prepare the graduate to practice in an evidence-based manner and to be an astute consumer and judge of scientific research. Topics include experimental research design (single subject design, group designs) data analysis (statistical reasoning, basic and advanced statistical analysis of relationships, basic and advanced statistical analysis of differences), non-experimental research (introduction to non-experimental research, clinical reports, qualitative research, outcomes research, survey research), and evaluation, synthesis, and implementation of research. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-652 Scientific Inquiry IV (2 credits)
- This course is the fourth in a series of five courses designed to prepare the graduate to practice in an evidence-based manner and to be an astute consumer and judge of scientific research. Topics include critical appraisal of research related injury risk, harm, prognosis studies and systematic reviews are emphasized. Student complete critical appraisals of published research in a written format and present their appraisals orally. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Spring.
- PT-661 Clinical I (5 credits)
- Active participation in this fulltime clinical course emphasizes development of professional behavior, written and verbal communication skills, and evaluation, examination, and interventions previously addressed in didactic course work. Emphasizes physical therapy management of musculoskeletal conditions. Prerequisites: PT 441 or 541. Summer.
- PT-670 Special Topics in Physical Therapy (1 credit)
- This course provides students who have a special interest in furthering their skills in the orthopedic physical therapy setting with advanced diagnostic and treatment interventions. An emphasis will be placed on identifying meaningful impairments hindering functional movement patterns and utilizing appropriate manual therapy and motor control exercise interventions to improve movement quality. Through lecture and laboratory experiences the students will be able to diagnosis movement pattern limitations and create appropriate treatment progressions as it relates to their physical therapy evaluation.
- PT-724 Patient Management IV Pediatrics (3 credits)
- Studies the physical therapy management of children with developmental disabilities. Presents examination and evaluation of infants and children with specific congenital and acquired disorders. Topics covered include family centered care, service delivery models, and service delivery settings including but not limited to early intervention, schools, acute care and rehabilitation. Laboratory activities include movement analysis, handling and positioning, developmental activities, use of adaptive equipment, and use of orthoses. Actual patient and video demonstrations are used when possible along with experiential and service learning, case studies, and treatment planning activities. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Spring.
- PT-726 Patient Mgmt VI Int Musuloskt (5 credits)
- Builds on previously acquired examination and intervention skills related to musculoskeletal patient management. Emphasis on examination and subsequent evaluation leading to the physical therapy diagnosis for the adult and athletic population. Covers, in detail, evidence-based interventions emphasizing manual therapy and therapeutic exercise in lecture and laboratory sessions. Includes examination and intervention models utilized in contemporary clinical practice such as functional movement training, and McKenzie. Specific techniques include muscle energy, neural mobilization, trigger points, joint mobilization/manipulation, and segmental stabilization for the spine. Therapeutic exercise and sport-specific progressions addressed in relation to commonly encountered physical impairments. Master clinicians and physicians share expertise through classroom and laboratory presentations related to each topic covered. Students learn to utilize these concepts and techniques to develop comprehensive patient management programs. Students may participate in an athletic event coverage observational experience. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-727 Community Health (2 credits)
- Expands the students' knowledge and experiences in the areas of health pro- motion, wellness, and autonomous care. Students will analyze and identify health needs and develop and implement a community-based health promotion, prevention, or wellness program. Areas of learning include physical therapist's role in developing and marketing community wellness pro- grams. Additionally, students examine health-related issues for individuals of varying races and ethnicities, national origin, and sexual orientation. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall
- PT-728 Advanced Screening and Differential (3 credits)
- Enables students to function as independent health care providers with the ability to identify signs and symptoms that fall outside the scope of physical therapy practice and to refer clients appropriately to additional medical care. Addresses strategies to identify source of various signs and symptoms. Tools used in course include questionnaires based on presenting symptoms. Questionnaires to be used as a guide in history-taking and inter-practitioner communication. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-742 Clinical/Profl Iss V Transition to Pract Clinical/Prof Issues Iii: Transition (2 credits)
- This course is the culmination of the series of clinical and professional issues courses. The course is focused on the processes involved in the transition from student to new professional. Content includes career planning topics such as interviewing, rsum building, and professional licensure as well as opportunities and responsibilities of the new professional. The importance of becoming a high-performance, well-balanced professional will be emphasized. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Fall.
- PT-751 Scientific Inquiry IV (2 credits)
- This is the last in a series of courses designed to prepare the graduate to practice in an evidence-based manner and to be an astute consumer and judge of scientific research. This course is completed concurrently with Physical Therapy 762, Clinical III and Physical Therapy 763, Clinical IV. Students pose answerable clinical questions germane to their current clinical environment related to diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention; search the literature for the current best evidence; and complete a critical appraisal of the evidence. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Corequisites: PT 762, 763.
- PT-761 Clinical II (5 credits)
- Full-time clinical experience emphasizes examination, evaluation, and management of patients with neurologic, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, or integumentary disorders. Further development of professional interaction skills and written and verbal communication addressed. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Summer.
- PT-762 Clinical III (5 credits)
- Full-time clinical experience assists student in achieving clinical competence as an entry-level physical therapist. Student examines and evaluates patients, and designs, implements, and analyzes a physical therapy plan of care. Includes documentation of test results and patient progress. Can occur in an outpatient, acute care, or rehabilitation setting. Student can manage musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, neurologic, and geriatric pathologies, as well as developmental disabilities and cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Prerequisite: PT 441 or 541. Corequisites: PT 751, 763. Spring.
- PT-763 Clinical IV (5 credits)
- Full-time clinical experience completes achievement of clinical competence as an entry-level physical therapist. Student examines and evaluates patients, and designs, implements, and analyzes a physical therapy plan of care as an entry-level practitioner. Professional communication and socialization further developed. Clinical experience can occur in an outpatient, acute care, rehabilitation, or specialized setting. Prerequisites: PT 441 or 541. Corequisites: PT 751, 762. Spring.
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Stone Family Center for Health Sciences, 515 Bob Jones Way, Room 3001, Evansville, IN 47708